The Gazette from York, Pennsylvania (2024)

THE GAZETTE: YORK, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE-18, 1898. Beware of Imitations The Worcestershire INS' SAUCE DUNCAN SONS, ARENTA. NEW YORK. DR. THEEL, 604 North Sixth Philadelphia, Pa.

Side Entrance on Green St. CURE GUARANTEED The only Genuine, A Nk 111- ful Adv plaing in only Graduate Registered 033 years Practical Hospital Experience in Germany, not Ing what others falsely -Nervous Debility 8 of SpecDiscases Permanently in 10 10 Days. Stricture, and BLOOD POISON new ex my own, In 3010 90 ERRORS OF YOUTH AND LOSS OF POWER. Shrunken Organs Fully Restored. Send 5 two cent stampa for bonk Truth, only true medical book advertised giving valuable Information ads ice to young and old, single or married and those marriage, andisth only honk that Fake so-called Former fellow a free prescription humbug: and vertising Doctors with their fake professed knowledge experience they do not possess.

en read truth at all Hazard! It will save from falling into the lands of oks and pretenders. Hours dally 9106: Sours and incurable and dangerous dally from 10 to 2. Wed. and Sat. nights 6 to 10.

For sworn secevery Saturday's Phila. Times, Treatment by mail. ARE SOLD EVERY 5 ASK FOR THEM. Special Sale of Muslin Underwear for hot weather. Bargainsin Gowns and Skirts Some Specialties in cambries Lace Trimmed very cheap.

Childrens' Drawers 12 bc. S. E. ALLEMAN, HAPPINESS VS. MISERY.

Charcot Tonic is cure for great also the TI Intoxicating he should ministered without Elre the where for R. WM. ZIECLER, SOLE AGENT. W. Cor.

Market and Penn York. l'a TANSY' PILLS SURE RELIEF TO WOMAN for all troubles peenitar to her Send mail or Train our Agent. 31.00- per bus K. Win. Ziegler, sole agent 400 W.

Market At with you whether continge for tine Dorities lost k04 nerve 400,000 and pocket- from who usually 82.00, patiently. persistently guaranteed we Montrent, refund New money. York. DOES YOUR CARRIAGE NEED REPAIRS? IF IT DOES, GO TO JOHN C. NEFF'S Carriage Works, Cherry Alley, Near Newton Alley, Repairing and painting done in the most Approved manner by good workmen under my own supervision.

Always con hand second hand Buggies and Daytons The Latronace of the public Is solicited. SANITARY PLUMBING HEATING' Plain and Art Tile Work. DAVID HORN. West Market Fork, Ha. BOWERS SHAFFER, The Leading Merchant Tailors, 123 W.

MARKET ST. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Elizabeth Greenawalt, late of York city, deceased. Letters of administration on estate having been granted to the all persons. Indebted thereto are requested to mike immediate payment.

and those having claims or demands against the same. will present them withont delay for settlement street to the undersigned. at No. 29 East Market York city. Pennsylvania.

JOIN F. -PRANKEL. Adm bistrator OUR NEW YORK LETTER ABOUT CURRENT AND FUTURE EXPORTATIONS OF CORN AND WHEAT. The Big Demand For Our Grain Came Largely From Fear That the United Would Get the Worst of It -Some Figures Queer Spanish Newspaper. NEW YORK.

June -All point to virtual stagnation of the grain export trade all through the summer months. and. curiously enough, this will be chirfly due to the rapidly growing helief abroed that the United States is win the present war. whether quickly or and without any serious inconveniF ace. Said a member of the Produce Ex change.

a heavy shipper of grain, to me this morning. There is no doubt whatever that the big demand for our grain, which came after the hreaking out of hostilities, much due to the fear on the part of foreign buyers that some of our ports would be blockaded and that commerce America would be somewhat interas to the shortage of grain abroad. the facts relative to the shortage on the other side of the water were, as well known before the beginning of the war as utter. but grain was high, and it was thought the price would break before the absolute need of our surplus was felt. The blockading of Havana by Sampson' fleet made a difference, and foreign buyers fell over one another to get here to take away our grain before the Spaniards should return the compliment.

Some Export Figures. The increased demand began the week of the Maine's destruction, in fact- -since war was then seen to be inevitable but the increased movement across the sea did not materialize for some little time thereafter because the ships were not available. Here are some figures showing the shipments from this port since the Maine disaster that may be interesting: Wheat. Corn. Week ending Bushels.

Bushels. Feh. 19. 235.740 547.421 Feb 869.316 844,820 March 333.196 521.214 March 231,618 402.212 March 19 683.186 442.718 March 388.193 622.305 April 2 285.482 500.860 872.620 721.861 April 942.164 April 894.217 660.030 April 548.893 1.139,123 893.018 2.206.740 Mar 1,008.811 1,252.453 May 21. 1,089,320 1.784.484 May 2,078,616 June 1,816,249 1,475,027 It will be seen that it was fully six weeks before the export figures had grown to really phenomenal proportions, but that was only because it took time to get the grain moved from the west to tide water and time to get the ships here for its sea transportation.

Freights went up in Incasurably close connection with the in crease of shipments, the rate (from New York to Liverpool) being 31 pence on Feb. 19 and fivepence 011 A April 30. But, al though the volume of shipments kept up all through May and were only slightly diminished the first week in June, they began to drop on May 14, fortnight later had gone down to threepence, a farthing lower than they were in March, and have remained at the low figure ever since. The relation between the grain freights and Dewey's victory at Manilla is signifi (al Although Dewey destroved the Spanish fleet May 1. confirmatory de tails were not known until Mav 7 and full information as to what he had done was rot received until some time after that.

The drop in freights was delayed a little after that even, owing the pressing neressity of the shippers to get the grain they had bought on the move. but as soon the pressure was relieved. early in the as week ending May 28, the present low level was reached. Why should Dewey's victory decrease the demand for American grain? Because the entering of Manilla harbor and the smashing of the Spanish ships showed as nothing else could have shown that the Americans know how to fight and have the tools to do it with and that the Span lards neither know how nor have the wherewithal. That being the case, there WAS 110 probability that American ports would to blockaded or that it would be difficult to get American grain.

Low Rates to Continue. That there will probably be no great of grain freights in the near fu Increase ture probable from the fact that some 40 50 empty tramp steamers are now known be at sea on their way hither for and cannot he turned back, and grain of course. accept cargoes at very low will. rates rather than to go as they are coming, in ballast. This has been understood for days by here.

but a fall revival was confi shippers expected until very recently because their heavy orders for August and Sep had been placed. Many of these tember been canceled. however, behave recently cause of exceptionally favorable crop re ports from several European and other grain growing regions. La Correspondencia de Espana. Concerning the Madrid newspaper La Correspondencia de Espana, which is reported to have made reenormous sales cently by printing bogus news in big type about fictitious Spanish victories, only to deny itself the next in small type, which no one sees.

a man who has traveled a told me this morning: good deal Spain La Correspondencia is the most ex in existence. in traordinary newspaper that it has no editor, and in ordinary times is made almost wholly of gossip. This up la literally true. The publisher's department: is well enough organized, perhaps, producing force consists of a but the copy number of clever independent contributors. them being men of culture and some of who gather all the small some otherwise.

from every circle in Madrid, talk they can and put the copy in bar none. write it up a big leather bag. decides what shall to The foreman what shall not. and his deci Trinted and bions are not made on any editorial principles, but are governed solely on the space the copy in hand. In of command and what is offered withother words, he sets subject until he has out regard to its enough to fill the paper, and then he stops.

The result is a highly amusing sheet, in which scandal about washerwomen and wineshop keepers often appears side by side with news of the doings of titled folk. That some hot news' is thus occasionally doesn't matter in laid over till it is as good a time for Madrid. Tomorrow the publication of news there as today. suits? I don't know. Many damage There be some one whose duty it is may libelous matter, but I never to edit out attache on the staff of La heard of such an Correspondencia.

DEXTER MARSHALL, An Old Man's Last Hope. 'Made helpless as a baby by a dreadful nervous disease he read of a case like his own, and had enough faith to follow the example it sct him. Now he is himself an crample to others who are suffering from disorders of the nervous system. Sawing wood, working in his garden, walking three times a day to and from his place of business- these form part of the daily Tripp, Postmaster of "Middlefield Centre, N. Y.

He is past his seventieth, birthday. Nearly blacksmith thirtytwo years Justice of the Peace: three years. A town clerk, then postmaster; forty-six years i a resident of the now lives in these are the bare outlines of a useful life. Mr. Tripp's career is a type.

His story will be read with heartfelt sympathy by thousands. His hearty endorsem*nt of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People will be echoed by tens of thousands. He said: "In March, 1892, I was attacked by what I afterwards learned was locomotor ataxia. skillful doctors did everything they could" for me.

I steadily became worse. Was unable to dress myself. "Later I could move even about the room, but was carried in my chair. gave up hope. The doctors gave me no encouragement.

I did not expect to live long. I was more helpless than a very baby. I sank lower and lower. "In June the tide turned! From the lowest ebb, it began to toward health and vigor. "The turning point was a newspaper article.

"It told how a man, who suffered as Shad suffered, had been cured by Dr. Witliams' Pink Pills for Pale People. It gave me faith and hope. I took two boxes of the pills; then four more boxes. My gain was steady; my return to health was a source of daily gratification.

'In all I took eighteen boxes of the pills before I was entirely well. At first I paid 50 cents a box, but afterwards I saved by getting six Boxes at a time, paying $2.50. owe my cure entirely to Dr. Pink Pills for Pale People." To clinch his remarkable story and add to its helpfulness to others, Mr. Tripp made affidavit to its truthfulness before Homer Hanna, a local Notary Public.

From helplessness, suffering and despair Mr. Tripp was restored to the healthful, useful activity suggested at the beginning of this sketch. His experience is like others. While locomotor ataxia is one of the most baffling nervous diseases with which physicians are called to contend, its cure by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People has become a matter of almost daily occurrence.

Smaller nervous troubles yield much more readily to the powerful influence these vegetable pills exert in restoring wasted nerve force and in purifying and enriching the blood. Druggists everywhere sell Dr. Pink Pills for Pale People. LIMITS HIS PRACTICE TO DISEASES -OF THEEye, Ear, Throat, Lungs Catarrh Consultation and Examination Free. Offices: Rooms 14 15, Rupp Building, TAKE ELEVATOR.

YORK, PENN'A. Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 1a 1 to 5 p. 7 to 8 p. m.



Stomach Healthy 293 SAVER I CORE 29 DE. MEDICAL, CO. OR CALL THE 49 and 61 Marion St, N. Y. NTS A DE None A Mark' Blows la arary bettie, ON SAVER LIVER PILLS 95 CENTS.

Purely Tegetable. Will core Billousness, Constipation, Piles, Sick Heedashe, sad Dyspepsia, Small Kasy taken. CLEANLINESS IS NAE PRIDE, DIRT'S NAE HONESTY." COMMON SENSE DICTATES THE USE OF SAPOLIO Jimmy Michael. At Philadelphia, on May reduced the World's Two-Mile Paced Record from 3.27 to 3 26 2 5. TOM LINTON.

EDDIE McDUFFIE. EDOUARD TAYLORE. At Cambridge, May 30 de- At Bridgeport. May 30. de At May .8, defeated feated Harry Elkes in 30- feated Hoyt in 10-mile Frank Starbuck in a 20-mile Mile Paced TACO world Paced Race.

Time: 19.16 3 5 Paced Race, Time: 37.19 3-5. record time of 56:50 1-5. Also Ice Veraler on May 30 in 20-mile paced race, Time: 37.13 They Rode the NORIENT 1.30." Linton established world's record marks from 2 to 5 miles inclusive: 25 to 3) miles inclusive. established world's record marks from 6 to 10 mlles inclusive. ORIENT victories are so numerous that we shall be able to advise you only of the Firsts won by our most prominent riders.

The above are practically the races of Liston. Michael. Taylore and McDuffie, and the fact that in every Middle first. Race this which they have participated tLe world's records have heen broken -beating their own very best performance of 1897- tells the story of the wonderful speed qualities of our new model, the Orient aL LUC c'S 22 South George St. TO CONSUMPTIVES.

The undersigned having been restored to health by simple meaus, after suffering for several yeara witha severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing, will please address, ReT. EDWARD A.

WILSON, Crooklyn, New York SHERIFF'S SALE! ON SATURDAY. JULY 9. 1808. By virtue ofeertain Writs of Venditioni Exponas. and a certain Writ of Levari Facias.

issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of York county. and to me directed will expose to Public Sale. in the court room. in the Court Honse. in the City of York.

York county. at 1 o'clock. P.M.. of said day, the following Real Estate, to wit: By virtue of certain Writs of Venditioni Exponas to me directed, I will expose to publie sale the following: Asthe Real Estate of H. A.

DENDRIX: All the lowing describ Tract of Land. in bury township. York cou ty. Penna, containing one hundred aud thirty. LIFO acres, less.

adjoining lands of George E. An erson. N. J. Yost.

Alexander Rhinehart and Virginia Charlotte echall. with the imp ments thereoa erected. which are a Brick Dwelling House Frame Bank Barn. Frame Corn House, Frame Stable, Frame Carriage House. Stone and Log Spru House with spring of running water thereat: there is also a well of water with pump therein at said dwelling house.

There is an appleorchard, otbe-fruit trees and grape vines upon the premises About twenty acres of the above farm is wood and. The York and Baltimore turnpike runs through the above tract. As the Real Estate of H. C. HAMM: All the following described Lot of Ground, situate in the village of Porter's Sideling.

Heidelberg township. York C. county. C. bounded on the east by lot of Wooden: on the nortb by the Baltimore and Harrisburg railroad company: on the west by an alley: and on the south by the Baltimore and Harrisburg railroad company, with the 1m provements thereon erecte.

which are A Two-story Frame Weatherboarded Dwelling House with Pantry attached. and Frawe Hog Stable. There is a well of water with pump therein at said dwelling house, and some fruit trees upon the premises. By virtue of a certain Writ of Levari Facia-, to me directed. I will expose to Public Sale, the following: As the Real Estate of PIUS GEESEY AND DAVID A MILLER.

admin 5- trators of Jacob T. Flinchbaugh, deceased: All the following described Tract of Land. situate in Windsor township, York county. Penna. bounded and described as follows to wit: beginning at A stone in the old York and Peach Bottom road, and running thence along the swid road and oppo-ite lands of Moses Smith north forty-one degrees.

wEst four perches to a stone in said road: thence along the road leading to Wright ville and opposit- lands of Mrs. Lavid Miller north seven degrees. east twenty- perches to a stone; thence by land or Levi Kaltreider south fifty-one and one ball degrees, east twenty-three and four tenths perches to a stope; thence by same south thirty-two and one half degrees, east twenty-two and threetenths perches to a stone: thence by lands of Mrs. Allce Gla' felter south forty- -nine degrees, west twenty- perches to a stone, thence along the old York Road and opposite lands of Henry Wallick. north twenty-five and one-fourth dezrees, west twenty- five and -tenth perches 10 A stone, the place of beginning, Containing five acres and forty perches, more or less.

with the improvements thereon erected which are 8 Two-story Frame Weatberbo4rded Dwelling Houwith Twe-story Frame Weatberboarded Kitchen, Two-story Frame Weatherboarded Summer House or Shop, Frame Smoke House, Frame Barn and Frame Hog Stable. There is a well of water wth pump therein at said dwelling house: also an apple orchard, other fruit trees and grape vines upon the premises. Seized and taken into execution as the estates aforesaid and will be sold by ANDREW R. BRODBECK Sberifi. Sheriff's Office.

York. June 14. 1898. some -OF THEResults -OF A- Torpid Liver, Headache, Dizziness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Depressed Feelings, Bloated Feeling About the Stomach. Belching up of Gas, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Sleeplessness, Irritable Disposition, Loss of Appetite.

All cured by DALE, HART LITTLE LIVER PILLS, Made by Dale Co. The Metropolitan Hotel, ASBURY PARK. N. Superior in every respect Opens June 18. Special June terms.

Near Ocean Address, TUEO. OVES. Buy of the Maker Do not. fail to call at the Hess Furniture Store and see the bargains we are offering in Furniture, Mattresses and Spring Beds. All kinds made to order at all prices Patronize Home Trade, Hess Furniture Company, 81 1 N.

George York, Pa. KILL THAT COUGH WITH Fulmer's Cough Syrup. NO OURE NO PAY. G. W.

FULMER, Duke Philadelphia Ste. York. Pa A. C. EPPLEY, Undertaking Embalmino 123 North George Street.

For night services call on JOHN G. MAUREK, 224 W. Market or 123 N. George Street. Furniture at Right Prices.

RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Departure of Passenger Trains From York. FENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. NORTHERN OENTRAL RAILWAY DIVISION On and after May 39, 1898, trains will leave York as followe: For Baltimore, Express 4.42. 11:01 4.

3:36 and 4:25 P. M. dally. Accommodation, stopping at intermediate stations, 5:30, 7:50 A. 12:53, 4:50 and 8:02 P.

week days. Bundays 5:30, 9:08 A. M. and 8:09 P. M.

For Harrisburg, 1.45, 6:54, 10:22 5:54, 6:17, and 10:30 P. week days. Bundays 1:45, 6:54, 10:24 1:68, 6:17 and 10:30 TOR THE WEST. Pacific Express daily 1:46 A. arrives at Altoona at 7:40 and Pittaburg 12:10 P.

Fast Line daily 1:58 arrives Altoona at 7:40 P. M. and Pittsburg at 11:80 P. M. Pennsylvania Limited of Pullman Vestibule Oars daily at 1:53 P.

arrives at Altoona al 6:05 P. M. and Pittsburg 9:15 P. M. Chicago and St.

Louis Express daily 6:17 P. arrives at Altoona a 10:66 M. and Pittaburg 9:00 A. M. Western Express daily at 10:30 P.

arrives at A Altoona at 3:35 and Pittaburg 1:16 M. Ronth western Express dally 10:30 arrives Altoona 4:50 A. Pittaburg 8:80 A. FOR THE FORTE 1:45 A. M.

daily Northern Express, arrives al 5:08 A. Williamsport 6:45 Elmira 9:55 A. Watkins 11:00 A. Canadaigua 12.40 P. M.

Connects for Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls. 6:54 A. M. daily News Express, arrives Bunbury 9:40 A. 11:00 and Lock Haven 11:59 P.

M. 10:51 A. M. week days Niagara Express, rives Sunbury 1:10 Williamsport 9:30 P. Lock Haven 3:40 P.M., Kane 9:05 P.

KImira 5:11 P. 7:35 P. M. Con nects for Rochester Buffalo and Niagara Falls. 1:58 M.

daily except Bunday, Line arrives Bunbury 6 Williamsport, 7.05 P. and Kanovu 8:56 P. M. rives 6:17 P. Bunbury M.

daily 9:25 P. M. Williamsport and Express, OF 10:40 P. M. 10:3) P.

M. daily except Saturday, Rochester and to Express, Arrives Sunbury 1:94 Williamsport 8:25 A. Elmira 4:86 Oanandalgua 6:50 A. M. Connecta for Boches- ter.

Bufalo and Niagara Falls. Stops only notice to conductor or agent or on signal FREDERIOK DIVIBION P. B. On and after May, 29, 1818 Brains will run daily ozcept dundays, As follows! 7:03 A. M.

for Phi' phia. 7:55 A. M. for Philadelphia. 11:35 A.

M. for Philadelphia. 3:16 P. for Philadelphia. 5:15 P.

M. for Philadelphia. SOUTHWARD-HANOVER, NO 7:55 tor Frederick, 11:40 A. for Hanover. 8:50 P.

for Frederick. 1:35 P. for Littlestown York Accm. arrives 6:53 P. M.

from Phila. Additional trains leave Frederick for Brucerille 7:50, 9.50 and 5 p. m. week days; returning leave Bruceville for Frederick 8.33, 10.40 a. m.

and 6.30 p. m. Trains leave Hanover for Gettysburg at 9.49 a. 12.39 and 5.48 p. m.

week days; returning, arrive at Hanover from Gettysburg, 9.20 a. m. and 4.30 p. m. week days.

For time tables and further information apply to Ticket Agent it the station. J. B. J. B.

WOOD, General Manager, General- Pas. Agent BOHEDULE OF PABBENGER TRAINS FOR BEREW8BURY AND GLEN BOOK. TRAINS NOR Leave Shrewsbury Leave A.M News 6 25 Niagara Ezpress and Mail 9 16,9 P.M P.M Obicago Express and Fast 23 Harrisburg 5 16 5 Ooc keys villa (Banday only). 6 6 8 28 York 8 21 28 PASSENGER SOUTH. Leave Rock Glen Leave Shrewsbury A.M York 6 14 6 02 Baltimore Passenger.

8 23 8 31 P.M P.M WAY Passenger. 31 40 York 01 6 01 9 10 WALL LEBANON R. R. CORN Direct route between York And Lebanon. Time table In effect May 30, 1898.

Train leaves York- Pennsylvania railroad station. 1:15 and 10:22 A. 1:53 and 5:54 F. arrive at Mt. Gretna at 7:41 A.

12:30, 4:13. 7:53 P. M. Arrive at Lebanon at 8:01 A. 12:50, 4:33 and 8:13 P.

M. Leave Lebanon 6:25, 10:20 A. and 2:23 and 6:35 P. Mt. Gretna 6:45 and 10:40 A.

3:49 and 6:55 P. M. Arrive at York at 11:01 A. 12:52 and 4:25 P. and 4:49 A.

M. Trip rolleage tickets at all stations to pers ns bolding P'ennsylvania rallroad mileage books MT GRETNA PARK is the finest resort in Eastern Pennsylvani located along the line of this road. is the permanent location of the Fennsylvania Chautauqua, campmeeting of the East Penosgivania conference, United Brethren in Christ, the Mt. Gretna Agricultural. Mechanical RIBS" lodustrial exposition and the State Range of the National Guard.

A. D. SMITH, General Superintendent. VALLEY TIME May 29, 1897. Winchester Martinaburg 8 9 041 30 15 11 3 00113 05110 20.

30 22 18 4 38 10 52 Mercershurk 8 10, 3 30 Chamberkburg 05 5 00 11 8 15 12 00 44 10 Newville. co 05:10 Carlisle. 06 10 Mechanicsb'irg Ar. Harrisburg 00 11 P. Ar.

Phila 48 8 Ar New 13 5 Ar. 13 40 3 P.M. P. 05 34 35 41 8 64 43 02. 12 17 06 40 40 5 10 10 102 25 3 45 6 45 12 45 10 00 M.

P. 00 6 47 110 20 12 50 53 8 23 3 00 12 M. P.M. P. additional trains will for Harriaburg daily, except Banday at 5.50 00.4 7.05 18.80 p.

8.45 p. 9.30 and from Mechanicsburg at 6.14 a. 7.50 9.09 19.45 p. 4.10 5 25 p. and 9.35 p.

stopping at and street, Harrisburg, to let Off DASSERKOrS. Train No. 10 run daily between Barrisburg and Hagerstown. STrain No. 102 Sunday only Daily except Sunday LEAVE.

103 New York. 40 18 05 8 15 Philad'l'1s 11 30 80 8 80 18 Baltimore. 50 56 8 50 12 00 1888 00 19 8 Oarlisle. 40 8 New rille. 04 8 9 Waynesboro.

10 Ohambersburg Mercersburg. 10 10 10 1 80,10 Martinsburg 84 11 Ar. Winchester M. F. 55 45 8 50 7 00 12 19 06 12 8 15 00 20 85 18 35 87 00 43 69 6 00 9 00 9 08 18 4.11 5 18 18 9 27 35 40 09 00 04 58 10 11 20 10 35 36 10 M.

Additional local trains will Harrisburg daily, except 8unday, for Carliale and Intermediate atationa at a. 20., 3.00 p. 6.15 p. and p.m. 10.56 p.

also for Mechanicehurg. Dillsburg and stations at 7.38 nt All above trains will stop Bad street. Harrisburg, to take on passengers. No. 9 ran daily between Harrisburg and Hageratora.

103 Sunday only. Daily. Daily except Sunday On Bundays will leave Philadelphia 4.30 p. m. Pullman parlor CAr and through coaches between Hagerstown and Philadelphia on trains 2 and 9 and through coaches between Winchester and Philadelphia on -trains and 7.

MONT ALTO RAILROAD, M'1 (Mix. ACC 58 56 52 TP.M 6 25 30 9 50 Obambersburg 7 40 5 34 20 57 Mont Also Jam DI 44 89 10 06 7 01 55 10 Moni 04 58 10 25 02 10 16 10 10 37 Waynesboro. 00 12 15 BOOTECKN PENN Pas. PAS, MIA Pas. Mix.

66 62 61 64 65 TP. 5 35 43 6 56 18 13 30 55 9 57 7 15 Marion 9 04 12 30 10 30 8 10. 30 11 10 49 10 49 9 06. 08 10 57 10 57 9 sol. 8 001 56 M.

A. M. A. M. A LYe.

A. M. Connection for all on Oumberiaad Valley Railroad and Pennsylvania Kailuad system. 8. A.

RIDDLE. BOYD. Pass. Age. Bunt WESTERN MARYLAND SAILBOAL Schedule Taking Effect October 8rd 1897.

Connections st Gettysburg with Phila-1e B. phis 0. and Beading B. at Hagerstowo B. sad Norfolk and Wests And al Cherry Ban with K.

B. Grove, 9:00 a. m. for Thomas ville. Muring B.

H. Merges, Porters, and pointe cast on Berlin Division, also Baltimore, Hanover poin: Branch R. Gettysburg Bager West on B. B. Division, also burg, town, connecting Waynesboro, and with Norfolk and err R.

at Hagerstown for and W. sout: west. and connecting at she south Bun, Va, with B. for the Oberry tons 11:55 a. m.

for Porters and intermediate New on Oxford Eastern siso Banover and Gettysburg. Grove, 4:10 p. m. for Thomasville, Nashville, Spring east on B. Menges, H.

Porters. Baltimore aud pointe Jin Division, also Hanover, Berwest on Branch B. R. Gettysburg and pointe H. division.

also Wayne boro with B. connecting at Oberry Rom. Shippensburk, B. for the tions 6:25 on p. m.

for Porters and tatermediase on B. H. eastern extenaion and stations Division to Hanover. later Leave West York Station three minutes than time given above. at Trains arrive at George Street Biation All 8:00 and trains 10:12 a.

m. and 1:03 0.00 p. 1 Baggage daily except Sunday. sale at West checked and Through Tickets on tions. York and George J.


BOOTT, Man. Gen. JOBRPE Pant. LOIN AFT 0. 0.

Bupt. B. Div. DIV, Pam. BURGESSER, Agent.

STEWARTSTOWN RAILROAD. Connecting with the M. O. R. at New Freedom daily except Sunday.

In effect Dec. -20. 1097 TRAINS STATIONE. -I TO. 1 Leave 00 Zeig.

8 Belmold 8 Orwig. 8 07113 1 Anstine 8 Sheer on Keeney 8 New Arriv STATIONS. 4 Leave New 15 Shefter. Anstine. Crwig.

Passengers from points on Railroad will reach Baltimore tollows, 10.11 A. 3.11 And 7.11 P. Will reach York at 9.55 A. 1.63 and 5.54 P. Passengers leaving Baltimore at 1.8 and 11.45 M.

and 3.30 P. Also leaving York at 7.50 A. M. 12.59 and 4.50 M. make close connections at New Freedom tor points on Stewartstown railroad.

Trains stop only whea signaled or ON nOtice to conductor. Tickets sold and baggage checked through to and all putate on the N. O. R. between Baltimore and 8 All trains carry ezuress roods.

W. B. Faye M. W. RAHN.

Gen. MAnAger. YORK SOUTHERN RAILROAD SOUTHWARD. York Dallastore 10 Red Lion. 61 Muddy O'k Forks Woodbine Delta Peach Bel Air.

Baltimore NORTHWARD. Baltimore Bel Air Peach Bottom. Delta Delta Woodbine Muddy 0'L Forks. Felton Red Dallastown York 401 No. I arrives to York af 1:40 making close connections to Baltimore, and Philadelphia.

M. MANIFOLD. General Manager Schedule of Malle at York Mails Arrive. New York. 8 Philadelphia.

00 Baltimore 00 Pittsburg 10 Washington. D. 3 Harrisburg 00 Lancaster 00 Oolumbia Wrightsville. Hanover. DO 30 Way Gettysburg South Harris': 45 8 Baltimore Shrewsbury B.

Glen Rock. 11 00 Frederick Lancaster York Delta Dillsburg Wellsville, Dover. Da vidaburg, Farmers, Thoma East 4 83 MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE ALL Nervous DiseaseR-Failing Memory, Impotency, Sleeplessness, caused by Abuse or other Excesses and India cretions, They quickly and surely restore Lost Vitality in old or young. and tit a man for study, business or marriage. Prevent Insanity and Consumption if taken in time.

Their ase shows immediate improvement and effecta a CURE where all other fail InBist upon having the genuine Ajax Tablets. They have cured thousands and will onre yon. We give a each case or refund the money. per itive written guarantee to effect a care 50 CTS. in package; or six piges (full treatment) for $2.50.

By mail, in plain wrapper, upon receipt of price. Circular fros. AJAX REMEDY 79 Dearbora Chicago, For sale in York. by Dale, Hart Oo and A. T.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.