The Durand Gazette from Durand, Illinois (2024)

DURAND GAZETTE, DURAND, ILLINOIS The Winnebago Reflector Alvin Heeren, Editor Special Section Of The Durand Gazette Honor Captain For Heroism Capt. Robert G. Armstrong, son Dr. and Mrs. H.

P. Armstrong Winnebago, received formal commendation last week for his heroism leading his squadron in the first of the war by naval forces against Japanese territory, four and a years ago. Dr. Armstrong retired in 1941 pastor of the Middle Creek Presbyterian church. In part, the citation, which awarded at- New York, read: "In the face of heavy anti-aircraft fire, he delivered a bombing and ing attack which inflicted severe age to shore installations and vessels in the harbor.

His. courage, skill in leading his squadron, complete disregard for his own ty were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States service and contributed greatly to complete success of our forces against the enemy." Capt. Armstrong was graduated from the United States Naval emy at Annapolis, in 1926, several years later took air training at Pensacola, Fla. In the early stages of the Pacific war, he saw considerable action in campaign in the Marshall and bert islands, and in 1943 was returned to the United States for a rest and year of shore duty. He was mander of the air station at Grosse Isle, Detroit, when the navy cross was awarded him.

When the carrier Yorktown bombed and mortally wounded Japanese forces in the Pacific, Capt. Armstrong was aboard her as flight officer. He escaped injury, and among the crew members who were removed from the craft before wrecked hull was sent to the bottom by American forces for safety purposes. After serving at Grosse Isle several months, Capt. Armstrong turned to the Pacific as commander of a service ship, the seaplane tender St.

George, which carried a crew 1,000 men and officers. The St. George was assigned waters near Okinawa when sea air fighting in the Pacific reached its greatest fury in the spring 1945. Struck by two Japanese kamikaze (suicide) planes, the St. George suffered more than a dozen casualties, including several officers, remained afloat.

Once more, Capt. Armstrong miraculously escaped jury or death, and a few months later the Japanese surrender brought the war to an end. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Berglund and daughter, Karen Lee, of 3325 7th Rockford and Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest Fibbrow, of Winnebago have returned from a two weeks vacation at Gull Lake in Tenstrike, Minn. They also visited at the Yates resort at Ray, Minn. Elsie Thurow visited Marvel and Mary Ellen Nelson, at their home near Byron, this week. Mr.

and Mrs. Ed Berglund and Karen Lee spent last Saturday at the Kenneth Nelson and the C. 0, Berglund homes at Seward. Richard Houston and Gordon Coffin spent Sunday at the 4-H Federation camp at Lake Geneva. Mr.

and Mrs. Calvin Korf and family spent Monday -in Chicago. Karl Herren was in Chicago Monday. Mr Mrs. John Herbert of Rockford entertained relatives at fish fry, at their home, Sunday.

Local guests included Mr. and Mrs. James Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blomberg and Marshall and Mr.

and Mrs. Orin Mizer of Bowling Green, Ohio. Mrs. Stella Mandeville Armstrong returned to her home in Long Beach, last week. Miss Dorothy Mandeville spent last week in Northern Michigan.

Mrs. Florence Lambert, and son, Pank and Miss Helen Dolan of Charleston, W. guests of Mrs. E. Mellen Monday and Tuesday.

Mrs. Rliza Green suffered injuries her lip, requiring several stitches, other bruises when her son's tar, which she was riding went into a ditch near Byron recently. THE DURAND GAZETTE Published at Durand, Illinois every Thursday morning by Associated lishers. John- R. Van Sickle, Entered as secondeclass matter at the post office at Durand, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879.

Winnebago Edition $1.50 Year 4-H Club News The Centerville Knot-Ketchers held their local Achievement Day Wednesday, Aug. 14, at the home of Shirley and Joan Rasmussen. Mothers of the club girls and members of the East Winnebago Home Bureau were invited guests. The following program was presented: Demonstration of color Marian Knop and Pauline Patrick. Vocal solo Joan Rasmussen.

Reading- Jean DeGarmo, Demonstration on canning Joan Rasmussen and Shirley Rasmussen. Vocal solo- -Marian Knop. Reading- June Hammer. Duet- Donna and Delores Bolen, Skit--Pauline Patrick, Donna Remer, Delores Bolen. The program ended with a style show by the club members.

Refreshments were served. Joan Rasmussen, reporter. Mrs. Frank Northam of Rockford spent Tuesday with her aunt, Miss Alma Hassel, and cousin, Miss Dorothy Kasch. Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest Schmock and Mrs. Marie Wurster returned recently from a trip to Niagara Falls, Pennsylvania, and the Smoky Mountains. Rolland Oakes returned this week to the University of Missouri at Columbia, where he is in his junior year. Mrs.

Darlene Black Smith will teach West Heights: school again this year. Burritt Burritt dinner guests Sunday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bolthouse, at Oregon. Kenneth Crandall is home from college until September 15.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dickinson left Monday morning for a trip to Dakota and the Black Hills. They will visit Floyd's mother at Littleton, Col. Mr.

and Mrs. V. C. Wilcox and Don Milne have gone to Denver, to visit Robert Wilcox at a camp there. Mr.

and Mrs. Karl Juhlin and Wanda Lane and Albert Moreland of Lacon were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kappenman. Mrs.

Lilian Lanison of Chicago fell and broke her collar bone and is in the hospital. Mrs. Vyolet Fell visited her one day last week. Mr. and Mrs.

Lewis Wampler are going to move to the Otto farm, on West State Road, next March. Burritt grange had a picnic at Trask brige Sunday. There were about 60 present. A ball game was played in the afternoon between Owen. and Burritt.

Burritt won by a few points. Richard Dickinson, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scott visited their grandparents, and Mrs. T.

P. was by Mr. and Mrs. E. E.

Hartley were Dickinson, Tuesday, Mrs. Laura Harmon, Edith Kasch and Mrs. Wm. Hooker were dinner guests of Mrs. Elinor Dickinson, Thursday.

Mrs. Aaron Alexander and Mr. and Mrs. James Anthony attended the fair at Milwaukee, Wednesday. Mr.

and Mrs. Aaron Alexander received word Wednesday of the death Aaron's oldest brother, William Alexander, of Hillsdale, Mich. He died at the Eloise hospital at Detroit, Mich. He was buried at Osseo, Saturday. Mr.

and Mrs. A. Alexander attended the funeral. of Mrs. Jessie Miller attended the Bennet school reunion Saturday, Aug.

24, at the home of Mrs. Daisy Johnson of Shirland. Mr. and Mrs. Edson Miller and 'family, Mrs.

Richard Miller and children, Mrs. Jessie Miller, Robert and Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Damman and family, Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Phillips attended the 'McMakin reunion, a at Sugar River forest preserve. There were 40 present Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gutshall are the parents of a daughter, born at Rockford Memorial hospital last week. The Women's Society of Christian Service will meet at the Burritt I church Wednesday, Sept.

4, with potluck dinner at 1 o'clock. There will be a program in the afternoon. The Social Workers met Wednesday, Aug. 28, at the home of Mrs. Ameld Lovett, with a 25c luncheon at 1 0 clock.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Birdsall of Rockford were callers at the M. E. Randerson home Sunday evening.

Miss Jean Kappenman is staying at home. She will complete nurse's training Sept. 8, at Rockford Memorial hospital. DOROTHY LOWE BECOMES BRIDE OF DELBERT L. HOLLENBECK Miss Dorothy Lowe, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Jack Lowe of California, became the bride of Delbert L. Hollenbeck, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.

R. Hollenbeck of Winnebago, at 8 o'clock Saturday evening, Aug. 24, at the Winnebago Presbyterian church. The Rev. R.

B. Davis of the Third Presbyterian church of Rockford heard the young couple repeat their marriage vows, before the altar, which was decorated with baskets of white and pale pink gladioli, ferns and palms, with candelabra on either side. Miss Ollie Mitchell presided at the organ and Miriam Evans, cousin of the groom, sang. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a princess style gown of white satin and a shoulder length veil, bead trimmed at the crown. She carried a bouquet of white rosebuds.

Mrs. Elva Burritt of Detroit, cousin of Delbert, acted as matronof-honor. She wore a pink satin gown and carried a bouquet of pink and white rosebuds. Carroll E. Rather of Viola, very close friend of the groom, was best man.

Robert Baker and William Stotler, cousins of the groom, acted as ushers. The bride's mother wore black with a shoulder corsage of white gardenias. Mrs. Hollenbeck wore a twopiece dress of dusty rose and also had a shoulder corsage of white gardenias. Folowing the ceremony, a reception for nearly 100 guests was held in the church parlors.

Mrs. Mary Mosser, cousin of the groom, and Mrs. Gernivier Chalke poured. Mrs. Baker and Evans, aunts of the groom, serv Mrs.

ed. They were assisted by Mrs. Hom er Whitney, Mrs. Esther Mitchell and several cousins of Delbert. Miriam Ev.

ans was in charge of guest book and Junieta Scott took charge of the gifts. The bride's cake formed the center-piece of the table and there were bouquets of garden flowers at each end of the table. Also basket bouquets decorated the reception room. marine Delbert served four years in the corps. He enlisted July 1942 and was honorably discharged July 20, 1946, at San Diego, Cal.

He served more than two and one half years of that time in the South Pacific and Japan. He was truckmaster and dispatcher of motor transport of the fifth division, when they entered Iwo Jima. Delbert held the rating of sergeant when discharged. Delbert and Dottie are spending their honeymoon in northern Wisconsin. They will move onto the John Evans farm in the spring.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robbins and family of Rockford are on a trip to Tennessee. Mrs. Dan Dow has returned from a summer's trip to her native land, Sweden.

Robert Miller returned Sunday from Los Angeles, where he spent two weeks at the home of his sister, Mrs. M. B. His mother, Mrs. Olive Norris, is very ill, at her daughter's home.

Mrs. Emma Anderson of Redding, is spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Miller, and family and another daughteran Rockford, who is a hospital patient. Mr. and Mrs.

Andrew and Fred Weerda visited at the Albert Voss home, at German Valley, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Enos Schelling of Leaf River will live in an upper apartment at the David Nevens home. Mr.

Schelling is the new agriculture instructor at Winnebago high school, Mrs. Schelling is the former Mary Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rogers have returned to their home in Atchison.

after here spending two weeks vacation 1 with Mr. Rogers' sister, Miss Lorene Rogers. Miss Lorene Rogers will reopen her Bel Canto- vocal studio in Rockford on Sept. 16. Westfield Westfield grange wilt heet Friday evening with Mr.

and Mrs. James Herbert entertaining, A musical program is.being planned. Joan Holtapp will sing. Mr. and Mrs.

Howard Boeke Have returned from a trip to Iowa and South Dakota. Stuart Smith, David Fischer, and Donald Smith are on a fishing to Canada. trip Frank Osborn has returned from Athens, where he accompanied Dr. and Mrs. Arthur McMurras, after their visit here.

ARRIVES IN JAPAN Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barrick received a cablegram Monday morning that their daughter, Barbara, had arrived safely in Japan. She left California Wednesday by plane in company with nine other girls, who have accepted civil service positions in Japan for a year. The trip was scheduled to take 45 hours.

One of the girls proved to be an acquaintance from Guam. ARVILLA OLIVER DIES A native of Burritt township, Mrs. Arvilla Pearl Oliver, 72, died last Wednesday night in her home at MeClusky, N. D. The former Arvilla Pearl Lillie was born in Burritt township on April 16, 1874.

GARDEN CLUB MEETS SEPT. A The Winnebago Garden club will meet Tuesday, Sept. 3, at 2 p. at the home of Mrs. Minnie Mellen.

The program, "Care Of The Garden will be given by Mrs. Mary Faulkner. 0. E. S.

MEETS TUESDAY The Eastern Star will hold a regular stated meeting Tuesday evening at the hall. Miss Carol Gambrel and Mrs. Marjorie Miller were received into the order at the last meeting. TO SPONSOR ICE CREAM SOCIAL The Youth Fellowship class of the Methodist church will hold an ice cream social on the church lawn on Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Mr Mrs.

Clarence Kasch are spending this week at Lake Ripley, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McGee, Patsy and Doral, Mr. and Mrs.

Calvin Korf, Calvin, Roger, Carol and David picnicked at Alpine park last Sunday. Seward News Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lewis of Argyle, were visitors at the Charles Seyler home recently. Mr.

and Mrs. Chris Laymeyer and Kathryn, Mr. and Mrs. Garelt Stahl, Katrina and Garelt, Mr. and Mrs.

Albert Stahl, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stahl, and Dickie and Skippy visrited the zoo at Madison, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

James Fordyce are the parents of a son, born Saturday, Aug. 24, at the Deaconess hospital, Freeport. Mrs. Ralph Whitney, Orlo and mond, and the Misses Joyce and Marilyn Palmer were dinner guests Sunday at the August Nelson home. Mr.

and Mrs. Corneil Gonnerman and Mr. and Mrs. Harry DeGrote of Winnebago left last Saturday morning by auto for a trip to Roy, where Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Yates have a summer resort. Mr. Gonnerman's father from Ashton is spending the week at the Gonnerman home here. Donna Gonnerman is spending the week with her aunt at Oregon. Glen Langley returned home Sunday from the Swedish American hospital, where he had been a patient the past week.

Carol and Arlene Langholf spent last week in Rockford at the home of their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Lee King and Warren have returned from a two weeks eastern trip. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Hazzard and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitney attended the fair, at Princeton, last Wednesday. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Martin were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Urban Crull, at Capron, Sunday. Miss Virginia Crull, who has just from attending the summer session at the DeKalb normal school, will again teach a rural school near Capron.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark of Orchard, spent a few days last week at the Emerson Whitney home. The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist church will hold, an ice cream, and cake social on the church lawn, Friday evening, Aug. 30.

It is expected that Mrs. Wilson Cleveland will conte home the last of the week from St. Anthony hospital, where she has been a patient on account of injuries suffered in an automobile accident. Church seryices and Sunday school will be resumed Sunday, Sept. 1, at both the Methodist and Congregational churches, Men of the 'Sheldon school district donated the work of the outside painting of the school house, in preparation for the opening of school September 3.

William Speilman plans to enter college, at Peoria, this fall. Church News WINNEBAGO METHODIST CHURCH 9:30 a. Church school. 10:15 a. Church service.

7:30 p. Special Youth Fellowship service with baptism and reception of members, BURRITT COMMUNITY CHURCH Church service, 9:30 a. m. Sunday school, 10:30 a. Last Sunday, the Rev.

Foster's father and brother, Rev. Lloyd Foster, sang at the service and the latter preached the sermon. Rev. Wm. Foster, pastor.

George Lott, greatuncle of Mrs. David Nevens, spent Wednesday at the Nevens home. Mr. Lott, who i is 85, flew to Rockford from Texas and was so charmed by the trip, he plans to return the same way. Mrs.

Ernest Hamen of Kensington, was a guest last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Northam in Rockford. Edward Barrick plans to go to Columbus, Ohio, Saturday to attend a reunion of the 625th Ordance Ammunition Company, with which he spent three years, mostly overseas. The meeting will be held Labor Day.

Mrs. Fairy Cross spent the past week at Minneapolis, as the guest of her sisters, Mrs. Jessie Gosslee and Mrs. Vinyette Stabeck. Mrs.

Viola Wynter spent Sunday at Lake Delavan as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Broge, and daughter, Vickie Rae. Bill Resh is driving a new Dodge car and Fred. Weerda, a new Studebaker.

New cars are few and far between these days. Dr. Ernest Bruch and family have moved from the DeGrote apartment, above the postoffice, to their newly built home, south of the postoffice. Mr. and Mrs.

Wilson McGee, Barry, Linda Anne and Susan Melane have moved into their newly built home, located on the lot, formerly part of the Shelden property. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Schacht and sons of Florida and Mrs. Frank Morstatter of Michigan spent the week-end with Mrs.

Neva Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hunter, Jr. They left Tuesday to return 1 to Michigan. Mrs.

Wilma McMichael returned home Monday from a visit with relatives at Belvidere and Mundelein. Her niece, Lucille Wakely, who had spent the summer here, returned to Mundelein with her. Mr. and Mrs. Harry DeGrote are spending this week at the Yates resort at Ray, Minn.

Among those, who attended the Wisconsin fair, were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooksey and Joan, Mrs. C. W.

I Mellen, Alvin Heeren, Mr. and Mrs. William Menge, Mr. and Mrs. Don Lennox, Fred, Stuart and John Dale Weerda, Mr.

and Mrs. David Nevens, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nevens. Mr.

and Mrs. Ben Hager, Charlotte and Robert were here from Iowa last week to visit Mr. Hager's sister, Mrs. Wilma McMichael. Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph Bates, Mrs. Leslie Fay, Mrs. J. S.

Faulkner, Mrs. Bruce Null, Mrs. Ralph J. Patterson, and Ralph, visited the cactus gardens at Sterling, one evening last week. Mr.

Patterson attended a dinner and business meeting at the Lincoin hotel. Mrs. Sophia Fibbrow was a guest Sunday at the home of her. granddaughter, Mrs. Romaine Andres, and family near Pecatonica.

Mrs. Fibbrow spent Friday at the Herman Theodorf home in Pecatonica. Mr. and Mrs. Enos Schelling, Mr.

and Mrs. Nevens and Linda Rae were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nevens. Mr.

and Mrs. John Rowley had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kliebe, Mr. and Mrs.

Virgil Kliebe, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hayes; Mr. and Mrs. -Robert Kliete and, their families of Rockford.

Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Bowman are vacationing at Tomahawk, Wis.

Mr. and. Mis. Merle Clark and son spent the week-end there. Mid and Mrs.

C. Bradway of Onaka, are spending two weeks at the home of their son-inlaw, and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Faulkner. The Harold Faulkners and their guests, Mr. and Mrs.

C. 0. Bradyay, spent Friday at the Milwaukee fair, as did Fay. Faulkner, Harve Two and Russell Grove. Mr.

and Mrs. Russell Coffin and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Schmittel and family are expected home from Colorado this weekend. Vinnebago School Opens Tuesday, The Winnebago school will open on Tuesday, Sept.

3, at 10. a. m. Children must be six years of age on or before Jan. 1, 1947 in order to enroll in the first grade.

Bring birth certificate. Physical examinations should be taken by all pupils in first, fifth and ninth grades. Please have this taken care of before opening day. Books for the grades may be obtained at the school building on Friday and 1 Saturday, Aug. 30 and 31.

High school books will be rented and sold on Sept. 3. The custodians have the building in good condition. The faculty is as follows: 0. L.

Haile, superintendent. Lucille Fotzler, home economics and biology. Ruth Kasch, English: and Latin. V. J.

Saari, history and physical education and coach. Lucy Pettis, commercial. Elvamae Anderson, music and girls. physical education. Enos Schelling, vocational agriculture.

Florence Kronemyer, seventh and eighth grades. Esther Sloniker, fifth and sixth grades. Marian Highbarger, third and fourth grades. Dorothy Scriven, first and second grades. Miss Pettis has taught for a ber of years at Harlem consolidated schools.

Mrs. Anderson is a graduate of the University of Illinois and has previously taught at Sidell. Mr. Schelling is a graduate of the Upiversity of Illinois. Mrs.

Kronemyer is a graduate of the University of Michigan and has had teaching experience at Detroit and Hamtramnuk, and Milwaukee, Wis. High school students, who did not register last spring or who wish to change subjects, will do so Friday and Saturday, Aug. 30 and 31. Mr. and Mrs.

Homer Hitchco*ck were at the Wisconsin fair Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Grover and sons, Clyde and Dale, and Miss Helen Grover have returned from a trip to Denver, Cheyenne, where they attended the rodeo, Yellowstone park and the Black Hills. They made the trip in their new Chevrolet car.

The Kasch grocery stores will be open from 7 to 10 in the morning and from 7 to 10 in the evening on Labor Day. Mrs. Arthur Davidson and son, Douglas Robert, returned home last week Tuesday from St. Anthony hospital. Mrs.

Davidson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kindell of Rockford, cared for Dwight Arthur, 5, and Darwin Irvin, 3, during their mother's absence. Miss Jean McNair, Stuart McNair, and their father, James McNair, spent Sunday at Lena with the Robert McNairs. Stuart left yesterday for the Canal Zone, where he teaches in the Junior College.

He taught at Carbondale, Southern Illinois University this summer. Superintendent 0. L. Haile and his wife and son, David, returned home last Friday from Lake Nebegamon, near Duluth, where they had spent the summer. While the Supply Lasts! 10 Gallon Milk Cans Pails Galvanized Pails Enameled Water Pails Double Boilers Aluminum Pans Rubber Tired Wheels for wheel barrows Electric Drills Bench Vises Rifle Shells Monitor Carpet Sweepers WINNEBAGO HDWE.

Electrical Appliance Co..

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.