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When the light dissipated, a young man was revealed. Wang Mingshan's body was shaken and he knelt in the air, Greetings to the Holy Son As soon as these words came out, the rogue man's eyes froze and he turned around.

Black Dragon was originally a demon and did not need to hide his aura, but Jiang Shi instantly performed his seventy two transformations and turned himself into a demon.

Jiang Shi and his party landed here. The divine army quietly retired, leaving Jiang Shi and Yunsheng alone. Jiang Shi looked at the palace. The plaque was engraved with the three characters Minshui Palace.

Object A huge star, as soon as it was sucked in, was instantly broken down into particles and disappeared into the black hole Such a terrifying scene made Jiang Shi dare not be careless.

He didn't expect that the handsome Xiao Yu turned out to be a ruffian This Xiao Yu looks serious on the outside, but he turns out to be one of your three gangsters Jiang Shi said with a smile.

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There are shovels in the back. You can get three of them. After you divide the houses, go to work I believe the regulations are recorded in the jade slips. Butler Zhang threw a jade slip to Jiang Shi and began to write something again without saying anything.

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Manshi was overjoyed and smiled from ear to ear. Now, he could finally let go of his hanging heart The two continued to move forward.

Jiang Shi thanked the Blind Emperor many times, and the Blind Emperor waved his hands repeatedly, Little brother, nothing more.

Jiang Shi and Yunsheng were stunned. Isn't this Deng Yunfeng They actually returned to Dengyun Peak For a moment, Jiang Shi looked at the man in blue next to him in horror, The Holy Son has unparalleled powers, I admire him Jiang Shi smiled bitterly.

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Everything is only because of Jiang Shi One person achieves the Tao and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven Jiang Shi, the reason why we are in such misery is because of you Emperor Qiankun cursed in his heart and kept cursing Jiang Shi, but a smile appeared on his face, telling the Emperor of Heaven that we are here for the fragments can you bring cbd gummies to spain I hope that the Emperor of Heaven will be merciful and can summon the heroes together to summon the God Eating Platform What if I say no Jiang Shi looked into the void with a smile.

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Lingling's voice came. Evacuate Jiang Shi waved his hand, and the heavenly army evacuated in order. They all went to the Black Sky Galaxy and took the teleportation array to teleport to various locations. Then, the immortal armies also flew towards the Black Sky Galaxy and teleported away.

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I, Tianmen, have created a myth that rules thousands of people. The fairy demon galaxy has been in chaos for the past few years During this period, you all have contributed a lot Shua Jiang Shi waved his hand, and dozens of top quality fairy weapons and fairy armor appeared in the palace.

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Chang Qing'er worried, Jiang Shi took her hand and smiled and said Qing'er, you not only have to have confidence in me, but also in Yun.

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Jiang Shi, Youmeng's four daughters, Shu Yi's six, Yunsheng, Huo Wu, Changsun Rong and other senior officials from Tianmen gathered together.

One after another, the beasts hoarsely grinned and bit at the immortal puppet. Jiang Shi in the Fenglei Tower condensed his eyes and said slowly Blood Evil Formation Huh, it's just a prototype.

She was actually a well educated and sensible woman. You really recognize me Jiang Shi shook the folding fan lightly, Girl, no courtesy Everyone around was shocked, subconsciously stepped back, and then fled away one after another, hiding in the house and watching, lest they offend the Emperor of Heaven.

He didn't know that this was the Holy Son's order. Seeing the order was like seeing the Holy Son If it's at a higher level, could it be the Holy Emperor's order Doesn t that mean that his identity is only under the Son Everyone, we are leaving for Minshui City now, and I will leave this place to you Jiang Shi said goodbye to everyone, and he and Chang Qing'er took off into the sky and wyld cbd gummies flew towards Minshui City.

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As awesome as you say, you are talking about us The big one hit the fat man on the head violently, and everyone laughed. It's okay, everyone is back safely Jiang Shi smiled and waved with one hand.

As the Immortal of Luo Tian, she tried two moves in a row, but they were all broken by Jiang Shi Suddenly I realized that Jiang Shi was really not a simple character Huh Ximen Bing'ao unfolded his immortal consciousness and mobilized the water vapor here.

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Near Dengyun Peak, there is a vast area of desolation for thousands of miles. People rumor that this is the power generated when the Lingbao appears in the world This treasure has the power to control the laws of life and death.

What the hell kind of place Jiang Shi gritted his teeth and persisted, and the fire in his body trembled desperately. At this moment, Jiang Shi, who had lost too much blood, began to feel dizzy and his expression gradually lost.

In fact, he had another most important purpose. that is to find the fragments of the God Killing Picture. This is difficult to handle The barrier is directly controlled by the Immortal Emperor. Those guarding the barrier are just pretending.

He was worthy of being a desperate man. He was so skilled in escaping that he even stabbed the sky to death, but he was still alive Jiang Shi was shocked, but had no time to pay attention to him.

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Reunited with the two blood dragons. Afterwards, everyone gathered together to chat, and Jiang Shi also took a short rest.

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With his immortal knowledge at this moment, how could he find Nie Fan In desperation, Jiang Shi had a flash of inspiration.

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Everyone looked at the mummy on the ground and felt chills running down their spines The Emperor of Heaven is indeed the God of Killing City Lord Xingde, let's go Jiang Shi said with a smile, as if he had just trampled a little ant to death His smile relieved everyone's tension and made them feel like they were having a refreshing dream.

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.