Niagara Falls Review from Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada (2024)

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Niagara Falls Reviewi

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

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'jrsrst 4 NIAGARA ALLS REVIEW RIDAY AUGUST 12 1983 3 YOU SAID IT Has long Tory rule been good for Ontario? a MA YOR THOMSON SA YS '4 Chippawa Creek Area Waste arms deal Six hurt in trio of traffic mishaps l'WS' I KNDCUDDLY AUSdoUM IRE CALLS 4 the Lewiston radioactive hurt said Rosanna Stroffolino of Stamford Green Dr She doesn't know If a change in government would be time for change was also the response of Betty Tee of Niagara on the Lake She said her hus band is retired and been pretty tough finan cially Betty thinks TONIGOLImore Jobs the by In for Dennis Paganin of Dor chester Rd said things quite as good in On tario as they could be particularly unhappy with the continued existence of Grade 13 in Ontario high schools Dennis thinks the CLAYTON DOAN happy with Tories KENT GRANThave got to go RUTH MOOREtime for change province should abolish it like all the other provinces in Canada BETTY TEE been tough respondents said the Tories have been good for the province slon with a third auto that left the scene police report Damage totalled $6500 PALL GILL I not crazy about Davis DENNIS PAGANINabolish Grade 13 enough jobs adding not too crazy about Premier Davis Paul would like to see the NDP form the government Claydon Doan of Simcoe St is happy with the job' the Tories have done He said made Ontario progressive (no pun in tended) noting got the best highway system in helpful but feels perhaps someone else should be given a chance Toni Golf! of Brittania St thinks the Tories have been good for Ontario She: added however that the job situation could be better Ken Grant of Sussex Ave said the PCs have got to go He said been in power too long and have last year raised over $1000 for the UW The weatherman is predicting sunny skies and warm temperatures and tournament organizers are hoping fans turn out for some fun ball and refreshments and sup alarm 5:46 6996 Har riman Ave car fire $300 damage 5:59 3964 Portage Rd car fire $200 damage 8:50 pm 6546 Buchanan Ave false alarm and are to have the problem He said the company has been taking regular samples of the creek and have found no problems with their sewers become too set in their ways Ken would like to see a change TERRY ARSENAULT i done nothing the Humane Society There are five of these six week old pups in assorted colors just waiting to go to a caring home mayor hours have already been allocated and details as to gate receipt splits and concessions would have to be worked The mayor repeated his thoughts from last week that an AtlanUc Coast team may haveproblems succeeding here because of the close proximity of the NHL Buffalo Sabres Toronto Maple Leafs and the AHL St Catharines Saints Last week Thomson told The Review he had been approached by ACHL of ficials aboyt six weeks ago time for a change was the response from Ruth Moore of Wainfleet Paul Gill of Banfield Rd echoes sentiments saying the have been in power too long He said they created Atlantic Coast league had drawn up one schedule that included Niagara alls as precaution in case a team located here The mayor squelched a rumor that a group from Niagara 'alls NY had already purchased a fran chise and were planning to base the team in the Memorial Arena That rumor also claimed that Brad Seiwood had been named the coach Seiwood is a former Niagara alls lyer and last year was an assistant coach with the Los Angeles Kings Canada and a strong education system Clayton said been tough for most governments the past few years with the global economic slump Robin Edwards 19 5762 Dunn St a passenger in the Noble auto and Terry Renz 17f a': passenger in the Renz vehicle suffered minor in juries in the crash as did the drivers Damage was estimated Diana orster 24 of Ridgeville was slightly hurt when a car she was operating and another operated by David A Gray 54 of St Catharines collided at Lane and ranklin Avenue at about 4 :12 pm 'The accident occurred when one of the vehicles at could not be used to fund a hockey team The city is still working on obtaining a Junior A hockey team next year the mayor said then The league expects to expand inl984 The ACHL is a newly formed seven team league that plays senior calibre Teams now are located in Nashville Tenn Hampton NJ Virginia Erie Pa Carolina Mohawk Valley and Birmingham Ala Thomson said today he had heard a rumor that the Niagara Regional Health of ficials were on ront St Thurs day morning depositing dye tablets down sewers in an at Tempt to trace the source of waste discharging from a pipe The Review asked number of people at the Towers Plaza on Morrison Street if 40 years of Tory rule has been good for On tario Of nine respondents six felt the PCs had not done the job Many of these people also called for a change in government say ing someone else should be given a chance Two 4 oil is being discharged into the creek Holowaty said the Ministry of En vironment nas collected sediment samples from the creek bottom for chemical analysis He believes any oil in the river may be as a result of heavy boat traffic on the creek with the oil coming from outboard engines Holowaty said he plans to speak to parents of children' developed skin problems after swimming in the creek He wants to find out about the play habits of the children to determine if something else in the environment is responsible for their health problem Holowaty also advises residents to refrain from swimming in the affected area of Chippawa Creek He said not an approved beach and his office does not take bacteria tests there to deter minewatersafety manager of administration Juri Dhaliwal said the company has been working with the health depart 12:55 6853 Lane Investigation 2:36 5909 Victoria Ave assistance 5:21 pm 6546 in residents claim something in the water is causing skin rashes and other maladies to swim mers Last week Premier Bill Davis and his Progressive caucus celebrated 40 years of Toryjaile in the province of On 3So George came topower in 1943 the Tories Ihave rattled off a string ofE consecutive electoral 'victories Six people received minor injuries Thursday in three accidents reported to regional police Joseph Castellan 16 7062 reeman St was taken to hospital but not admitted after the bicycle ne was naing ana a car operated by Luciano Di cienzo 37 4420 Latina Cres collided on Dor chester Road at Cher rygrove Road at about 4 20 pm police report our people suffered minor injuries in a two vehicle accident at Lun Lane and Kalar Road Vehicles operated bv Kimberly Noble 18 7056 tempted to avoid a colli Centennial St and rank Renz 22 of Whitespruce Sask collided at about 10:14 pm Man grabbed pn Erie Ave Two Buffalo women were charged with sexual and theft under $200 today after a man was grabbed while walking along Erie Avenue i The 26 year old man said he just left a Bridge Street hotel at about 1 :40 am when he was accosted by two women regional police report Whlln rofiialnrf thxUr advnmAoa a inantltv nf mnnov IVIIUV IVAMCI1IR VIIVI1 UUVVIA1VV4 VA tuna iron imm hlc nanro W'lrnt nilinaaain The victim held onto the woman and was able to flag a down a passing police car In police custody are Caremella Rivera 25 and Melinda Williams 30 both of Buffalo ft' i another political party should be given a chance in Ontario Terry Arsenault of Pettit St adamantly said the Tories have not been good for Ontario He said they only look after the rich and the big corporations done nothing for the small he said miitiiiiiiiiinuiiniiinnuiiminiim TheUSl government will assume ownership of 15000 tons of radioactive wastes stored in Lewiston NY and ernaid Ohio in a cash and arms deal reached with Belgium the Niagara alls (NY) Gazette reports today The newspaper says theUS will take control of the wastes owned since Second World War Belgian firm Afrimet dussa Inc in return willingness to place Pershing II and cruise missiles on its soil if the US and Soviet govern ments fall to reach agree ment on arms limitations The settlement before key members of Congress for review calls for Afrimet to pay $8 million Buchanan Ave false The company has paid $763000 in storage and maintenance fees at both sites over the past 25 years Government estimates for long term storage or disposal of low level RZ 'Si 4 i residues range from' $13 milllon to more than $100 million The wastes were created from uranium processing during the Manhattan Pro ject the war time pro gram to create the atomic' bomb Belgian officials said the settlement followed a direct appeal by their government to the Reagan Administration' on behalf the newspaper said By BLAKE REINER cause of the Review staff writer Oleksiuk chairman of Canadians or i An 'investigation by the Niagara A Clean Environment also believes that Regional Health Unit for possible watercontamination in Chippawa Creek has determined that the Norton Company is ofsolid waste discharges through a pipe in the creek The health unit has been taking tests ofthe water this week and have been put ting dye tablets in different locations in eluding washroom facilities at Norton in an attempt to trace the source of the con Taminants this week Mike' Minor at the health alls branch said Norton which manufacture abrasives is discharging cooling water from their operations through the pipe but it is not contaminated The investigation was prompted by reports by Chippawa residents of mysterious skin rashes and other maladies afflicting people who swim in thecreek But Eric Holowaty associate medical officer of health with the NRHU in St Catharines is not convinced the health ment and the Ministry of Environment problems suffered are caused by ex posure to chemicals his (Oleksiuk) own personal said Holowaty have not said chemical bums are the Andy Patterson left and Nick Salvatore and many volunteers have unfurl the banner directing teams and fans donated their services to this event which to the second annual United Way Media Charity Slo pitch tournament this Saturday and Sunday at Palmer Park Co ed teams from Ontario and New York State are tak ing part The Niagara alls Softball Un pires Association the YMCA port the United Way Holiday Rent a Truck Review photo by GordCounsell) CUTE Please take me home 'Who could resist the big brown eyes of these cuddly part terrier pup pioc available for adoption By DAVE RIGBY Review itaff writer Three busineMmen ap proached Mayor Wayne Thomson and the hockey committee Monday this week about basing an Atlantic Coast Hockey team in this city However Mayor Wayne Thomson said the throe men one of whom was local did not have proper financing arranged and did not have any players throe men ap proached us to get our feel ings about a team playing said the mayor tnlfl fham rn mm a back when they had flnanc looking for a franchise in ing arranged and had a the city better idea about their pro But he said the city posed team are a lot of details to work out If a I ffhnaiM mma Kafa in continued tbe He wl(! money PLAY BALL and many volunteers have Sunny skies on the way More than the 194 mm of rain fell Thursday making Niagarans shiver under their umbrellas Records at the Niagara District weather office show the high temperature during the rain was a record low maximum for that date A 173 the highest temperature recorded Thursday was lower than the maximum since 1979 for Aug 11 when the temperature climbed to only 183 The rain is expected to end today giving way to sun ny skies the rest of the weekend Along with the sun the temperatures will rise to the mid to high 20s the weather of ice says Robbery no theft yes A Welland woman was charged with theft over $200 Thursday in connection with a convenience store rob bery police say did not occur Police said a robbery Aug 9 at the StoVe on West Main Street was falsely reported Arrested was Twlla Boyd 29 185 Denistoun St Club Italia picnic planned Club Italia of Niagara alls will hold a gala picnic Sunday at the site of its new cultural centre at Montrooe Road at Kalar Road The festivities are scheduled to begin at 9 am with a ribbon cutting ceremony set for 10 am by local government officials A Mass will be held at 11 am in the pavilion by Msgr Vincent errando Admission is free Bring a picnic basket The weatherman indicates he will co operate with sunny skies and warm temperatures Three fined in court Three people were fined $775 Thursday in provincial court afterpleading guilty to driving related offences Rocky 17 7768 Woodbine Ave was fined $300 for dangerous driving July 30 Dean Shergold 23 of St Catharines was fined $250 for driving while his ability was impaired July 1 Don Cosmo azzari of Niagara alls NY was fined $225 for driving while his ability was impaired July 24 Region waste talks set Everything you want to know about garbage will beb discussed at Niagara waste management seminar Nov 5" Held at regional headquarters the all day seminar will feature speakers on landfill sites energy from waste plants and composting as well as reducing waste The waste management municipal advisory commit tee invites politicians environmental groups and any interested taxpayers to attend An afternoon session will include discussion of what the public wants in a waste management policy for the Niagara region Pleads guilty to mischief Barry Cornell 35 of 7164 Drummond Rd was placed on six months probation after pleading guilty in provin cial court Thursday to mischief On July 30 Cornell broke the glass and kicked in the screen of a storm door at the home of David arquhar son The two men had had an earlier confrontation and Cornell admitted kicking the door Cornell made restitution for the damage ined for false statements Kenneth Bonar 26 4345 Ash St was fined $75 Thurs day in provincial court after pleading guilty to making false statements to the Unemployment Insurance Com mission in 1981 Bonar did ngt disclose he had earned money on March 1 1981 March 15 1981 and May 24 1981 ederal prsecutor Nicholas Minov told Judge Johnstone Roberts that the accused failed to disclose he earned a total of $770 Mr Minov noted Bonar had repayed the commission Judge Roberts fined the man on the first count and suspended sentence on the other two Records tools stolen About 200 LP records a leather jacket and bomber jacket worth an estimated total $1000 were stolen Thursday from the room of Carl Scott at the Siesta Motel on Thorold Stone Road A door was forced to get intotheroom muiDuaj uuvreo uu wiui about $10000 in tools from Charterways on Dunkirk Rnnd TKa nnriinn nf a aaraaa rizwir uaa IrinlraH In tn 0At inside police report Norton not source of waste discharges un Chippawa Creek ROSANNA STROOLINO hurt Latest hockey team bid lacked proper funding never seriously considered made by US feds than half million dollars iit pig gggggggg mggggra kkKB BBBHmi HB 'HUbm 1 IB 114 I Id" MIH1 It WKBgl WIb 44 HMrr tjW a 9 ft kfiVCIP "1 i JO 'il WB1 3EB Wk (mu Ih 'jggggjg BBMW VBBL Ml SBy 1 JB yOrT jibb 'BfiiBtui iRSU'f I 1111 MU IIIJIIIW 4 1 4 Jj r' ft' i I IRE CALLS.

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Niagara Falls Review from Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.