The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2024)


9 MARQUETTE 6804 "Please Call For My Furs" Our storage vaults are in our building under the vision of our own Fur superRestyling and alterations at moderate prices- during the storage season. TV. MArquette 6804 1186 St. Catherine UINN South Street Side West Between Furrier 3tanley Drummond Streets at his home, following a OBITUARY FREDERICK C. BETTS BURIED AT LONDON Distinguished Throng at Rites for Conservative M.P.

Drowned Last Week London, May 10. (CP) Funeral services for Frederick C. Betts, Conservative member of Parliament for London, drowned in the Blanche River near Mayo, last Tuesday, were held here today from St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral. Mr.

Betts was 42. Hundreds of friends and associates attended the service to pay tribute to noted soldier, lawyer and sportsman. A Parliamentary delegation was led by Rt. Hon. R.

B. Bennett, federal Conservative leader, and Hon. Earl Rowe, leader of the Ontario Conservative Party. Mr. Bennett was among the honorary pallbearers.

Services were held in a cathedral founded by Mr. Betts' greatgrandfather, the late Benjamin Cronyn, first Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Huron. Interment was in Woodland Cemetery. Honorary pallbearers in the cortege, in addition to Mr. Bennett, were Dr.

H. C. Griffiths, principal of Ridley College, St. Catharines; Mayor T. F.

Kingsmill; Judge A. A. Ingram; Judge Joseph Wearing; Morley Aylsworth; Col. H. K.

Ingram; F. H. Curran; H. R. Davidson; Dr.

E. D. Busby and P. J. Lavender.

Active pallbearers: R. H. Cronyn; Clive Betts; V. P. Cronyn; F.

G. Robertson; A. W. R. Sinclair, Toronto; J.

H. Stevens; Geoffrey O'Brien, Aurora. Col. Duncan Ross, Liberal memper of the House of Commons for Middlesex East, represented the Dominion Government, and Dr. A.

S. Duncan, Liberal member of the Ontario Legislature for London, the provincial Government. Among the 20 members Parliament attending William Hayhurst, sented member Vegreville, who reprethe Social Credit Party. The body of Mr. Betts was recovered from the Blanche River, about 5 miles east of Ottawa, Saturday.

He disappeared Tuesday while on fishing trip to the Blanche. It was believed he lost his footing on he treacherous shore and tumbled Into the swift-running river. Rt. Rev. C.

A. Seager, Anglican Bishop of Huron, delivered a brief ddress of tribute. Those present wished not only to ay respect to the deceased, but show as well their and steem for the distinguished family 0 which he belonged, a family thich for years had been identified With the life of Canada. Bishop Seager said he realized he hearts of all were full of love Ind sympathy for those bereaved. this time were recalled the hajesty of the words "Thy will be one." These words were full of so onsolation and which inspiration.

They were words conveyed a eep sense of resignation but on ccasions like those of today human eings repeated the words "Thy ill be done" with confident, faithal hearts. (IRS. M. C. BINNING DIES Campstead Widow, 70, Was Native of Scotland Margaret Caird Binning, widow John Russell Binning, died yesrday at the residence of her hughter Mrs.

H. G. Parsons, 8 hurlow Road. Hampstead. She was her 71st year.

Mrs. Binning was born in Montse, Scotland, and received her rly education there, coming to anada when she was a girl. In 88 she married John Russell Binng in Montreal. Until her health toke down some time ago, she as connected with Kensington lesbyterian Church. She is survived by two sons, issell and David Binning ontreal, and three daughters, Mrs.

M. Caldwell of Manchester, annecticut, Mrs. Alex Smith and s. H. G.

Parsons, both of this y. P. LYNDON DEAD AT 42 ative of Dublin Served orthern Electric 15 Years Robert Preston Lyndon, a memof the office staff of the NorthElectric Company, Limited, for past 15 years, died at the cendivision of the Montreal GenHospital yesterday after a brief less. He was in his 43rd year. Ir.

Lyndon was born in Dublin, land, and came to Canada in 1915. is survived by his widow, the mer Muriel Cox; one sister, Mrs. Terrell, of Dublin, and three thers, Charles, John and George don, also of Dublin. the service will be held from the eral home of J. W.

MacGillivray, Ilington street, on Friday aftern, at 2.30 o'clock, to Mount Royal neter: for interment. herican-born Peeress Dies london, May Counof Portsmouth died at her ron home today. She was the of the eighth Earl, Oliver pry Wallop, who went to Canada 883. Later he operated a ranch Vyoming before his marriage in to the countess, the former guerite Walker, daughter of S. Walker, of Kentucky.

he Earl a United States Zen in 1906, but regained his ish citizenship when he sucded to the title in 1926. ew York Financier Dies ontclair, N.J., May oh T. Crane, 60, vice-president Brown Harriman and New investment bankers, and her president of the Investment kers' Association of America, heart attack. MISS A. E.

O'BRIEN DIES Was Active Member of St. Patrick's Congregation Amelia Ellen O'Brien died yesterday at her residence, 3565 Jeanne Mance street, after a long illness. The funeral will take place tomorrow at St. Patrick's. Church at 8 a.m.

Interment will be in Cote des Neiges Cemetery. Miss O'Brien was born in Montreal, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Phillip O'Brien, and received her education in St. Patrick's Academy.

She took an active interest in religious organizations, and was a member of St. Patrick's Church. Surviving are three sisters, Mrs. Katherine Damford, Miss Anna O'Brien, and Miss Mary O'Brien: three brothers, Edward O'Brien, of Ile Perrot, Thomas O'Brien, ard Charles O'Brien. MRS.

GEO. WILSON DIES Longtime Resident of Montreal Was 84 Years Old The funeral service for Priscilla Jones Wilson, wife of George Wilson, who died at her residence 1941 Bayle street after a long illness yesterday, will be held at the Chapel of Jos. C. Wray and 1234 Mountain street, today at 4.00 p.m. She was in her 85th year.

Mrs. Wilson was born in Wales, and came to Canada when she was remainder of her life was I spente in Montreal, except for period of seven years, when she lived in Drummondville with her family. She took active interest in church work, a charter member of the First Baptist Church. Besides her husband, she is survived by three daughters, Mrs. W.

McGillivray, of Buffalo, N.Y.. Miss K. M. Wilson, of Montreal, and Mrs. R.

F. Kerr, of Kingsbury, Quebec, and a son, George J. Wilson, of Winnipeg. MRS. G.

HASTINGS DIES Native of Richmond, Ill Six Months, Leaves 3 Daughters Henrietta Elizabeth Hastings, widow of the late George Hastings, died daughter's residence, 4024 Beaconsfield avenue, yesterday after illness of six months. The funeral will be held from the Chapel of Tees and Company at 8.00 o'clock tonight. Interment will be in St. Ann's Cemetery, Richmond, Que. Mrs.

Hastings was born in Shipton County, and was educated in Richmond. She married the late George Hastings in 1886 and came to Montreal with her family 23 years ago. She was a member of the Rebekah Lodge and was connected with St. Columba Church for a number of years. She is survived by three daughters, Mrs.

A. Russell Walker of Allandale, Mrs. E. M. Dawson of Saint John, N.B., and Mrs.

H. C. Hamilton, Montreal. A son, Frederick George Hastings, was killed at Vimy Ridge in 1917. Miner Dies of Silicosis London, May John E.

Nord, mine captain at Hollinger gold mines. Timmins, died in hospital here today of silicosis. He had received treatments for the past four months. The body will be sent to Timmins for burial tomorrow. COURT REDUCES ALBERTA RIGHT TO TAX INCOMES (Continued from Page One) not yet out of the woods, for it was learned today that the federal Government has now under review his Securities Tax Act which would impose a two per cent.

tax on all mortgages and which to that extent is a threat to the investments of insurance companies. This proposed levy on mortgages, which is one of the Alberta Premier's many plans to raise more revenue, was passed at the last session of the Legislature, but does not become effective until June 1. It is fairly drastic legislation in that it provides penalty of 5 cent. per month for failure to pay per two per cent. tax.

Although the federal authorities are now studying this bill it is not to be assumed it will be disallowed and suffer the fate of nearly a dozen other bills passed by Alberta either been Legislature and which have minion disallowed by the Door declared invalid by courts. legislative Included in Premier Aberhart's programme of adjustment is the bill governing foreclosure of a mortgage which forces a creditor to give $2,000 to the person Another whose property is foreclosed. provides that action to recover any debt incurred before 1936 must be taken before 1940. The Debt Proceedings Suspension Act its and the Debt Adjustment Act in amended form are also included among those slated for review by the federal administration. Privy Council to Hear Case London, May 10.

(C.P. Cable) The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council today granted the Attorney-General of Alberta leave to appeal the judgments of the Supreme Court of Canada on the province's bank taxation. credit regulation, and press bills. These measures, sponsored by the Social Credit Government and enacted found by the Alberta Legislature, were unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. is Leave to the Judicial Committee a formality will and their lordships probably hear the appeals at the Trinity sittings beginning at the end of the month.

Cyril Radcliffe, K.C., for the Attorney-General of Alberta, said the petition raised matters considered of the utmost importance to Canada. Principal respondent in the appeal is the Attorney-General of Canada, who did not oppose the petition. Lord Thankerton read the petition and said their lordships agreed most important issues were involved. Of the three bills, the one relating to credit would licence institutions dealing in credit and put the supervision of local boards dominated by appointees of the Social Credit Board. The bank taxation bill would increase taxation by an estimated 000,000 a year.

The tax would be on paid-up capital and reserves. The press bill would compel Alberta newspapers to print corrective or amplifying statements on Government policies at direction of the chairman of the Social Credit Board. Biggar Likely as Counsel Edmonton, May 10. -(P)- Col. O.

M. Biggar, Ottawa, counsel for Alberta in the Supreme Court of Canada hearings on the province's bank taxation, credit regulation and press bills, probably will argue the cases for Alberta when the are heard Premiere Privy Council in London, Aberhart said today. J. J. Frawley, solicitor to the Attorney-General's Department here, don.

may accompany Col. Biggar to SUFFOCATION TOOK LIVES OF CHILDREN Blaze in Lacasse Home in Ottawa Due to Overheated Stovepipes (Special to The Gazette.) Ottawa, May by suffocation was the verdict of a coroner's jury inquiring tonight into the deaths of the two Lacasse children, who lost their lives last week when the home of their grandfather, former Alderman Nelson Lacasse, caught fire from overheated stovepipes. Fire Chief J. J. O'Kelly told the jury that the fire resulted because stovepipes passed too close to a several coats of paper.

added partition, on which there were that there were no regulations under which compulsion could be placed on owners of private homes to remove fire hazards, although members of the department were urging such improvements wherever possible. Other officers of the department outlined steps taken in this respect. tion The that jury added a recommendamore rigid be sought, with a view to avoiding recurrences of such tragedies. Dr. W.

Shirreff presided witnesses were examined by Crown Attorney Raoul Mercier. SOURCE OF RIFLE NOT DISCOVERED No Developments in Fatal Shooting at. Cornwall Police Chief Makes Appeal (Special to The Gazette.) Cornwall, May 10. After an intensive search of the district north and west of here today by city police, Chief Fred Seymour announced tonight that there were new developments in their investigation in the death of Ralph A. Cook, governor at the Counties Jail.

Cook's body was found in his with garage early Sunday morning two .22 calibre rifle wounds in his chest. Police are concentrating their investigations regarding the identity of the rifle, but so far their efforts have met with no success. Only fragmentary finger-prints were found on the rifle, which had been filed clean of all identification marks. Chief Seymour issued an appeal tonight to persons knowing of cent sales or purchases of calibre rifles to notify the Cornwall police department. "It is very ditficult to trace the rifle, and persons giving police any information concerning the sale or purchase of a similar rifle will be of great assistance in possibly solving the case," he said.

Police investigation will be renewed tomorrow, when search in districts not already covered will be made. Photographs for Inquest Ottawa. May 10. (P) Only fragmentary fingerprints were found on the barrel of a .22 calibre rifle believed to have been used in the shooting of A. Cook, 57, governor of the counties' jail at Cornwall, assistant commissioner King, chief of the criminal investigation bureau of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, said today.

Cook was found dead in his garage on Sunday morning, the rifle at his feet. Col. King said the prints on the gun barrel were not and good enough for comparison that photographs of them would be taken and sent to Cornwall for the coroner's inquest. SURRENDERS TO POLICE Peace River Man Charged With Killing Half- breed Peace River, May (P) -old Richard Bickle stepped off a Peace River boat today, surrendered to police and was charged with the murder of Pat Beauchamp. 22-year-old half-breed.

Royal Canadian Mounted Police I said Bickle reported he killed champ last Saturday at Bickle's stopping place 100 miles down the river from here. Peace River is about 250 miles northwest of Edmonton. Statements made by Beauchamp regarding conduct of Mrs. Bickle bed a gun and shot Beauchamp, men, climaxed when Bickle grabstarted a fist a fight between the two police said Bickle told them. Inspector W.

Grennan, R.C.M.P. head in Peace River district, and Coroner Dr. F. H. Sutherland left by boat today for the scene of the shooting.

where they will hold post mortem examination and investigate the affair. It was expected they would return to Peace River Saturday. Mrs. Bickle, who accompanied her husband to Peace River, is held as a material witness. RALLY ON HOUSING IN OTTAWA TODAY Many National and Civic Groups Will Attend Conference Supported by representatives of many national and civic organizations, a meeting in connection with low -cost housing is being held in Ottawa this evening.

A delegation Mom Montreal will be led George S. Mooney, honorary tary of the National Housing and Planning Association, which is sponsoring the meeting, Mr. Mooney said last night. Originally intended to urge the Federal Government to implement now the section of the National Employment Commission's report dealing with low-rent housing. the aim of the meeting has been changed by yesterday's announcement by Labor Minister Rogers that provision was being made in a contemplated federal public works programme for a national scheme of low -cost housing.

The meeting will now endeavor to outline the broad principles upon which a Government plan of low-cost housing should be laid down. All members of the House of Commons have been invited to the meeting. Thursday morning a a a a a a delegation to be appointed at session will be received by the Hon. Charles Finance, under Dunning, whose Minister department of the contemplated housing legislation will be administered. Dr.

T. M. Leggett, president of the Canadian Medical Association, will be in the chair. Besides Mr. Mooney, other Montreal delegates will be deGaspe Beaubien, T.

Taggart Smyth, Miss Mary Cahill and W. W. Goforth. CHURCH SESSION CRITICAL OF CBC Jack Benny and Charlie McCarthy Programmes Subject of Protest (Special to The Gazette.) Ottawa, May to a resolution offered from the session of Parkdale United Church session of the United Church Presbytery, Rev. Norman Coll, minister of the church, made a strong protest against the carrying by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation of programmes on Sundays, which, he suggested, were "not in keeping with the spirit of the day." The resolution in particular mentioned two well-known programmes, namely that directed by Jack Benny and the hour featuring the famous dummy Charlie McCarthy.

These offerings, it was stated in the formal resolution. were unworthy of a place on Sunday evening programmes. The minister said that a change was taking place, "from the traditional Canadian sabbath to the continental or American sabbath" as a result. of these programmes, and, he added, that if they were "sponsored in Ottawa. all of would rise up and protest." He deplored the fact that they were nevertheless coming into Ottawa homes, "over a government telegraph wire." The Corporation was commended in the official resolution "much of real worth" in the direction of education in constructive values in broadcasting, needed but the Lord's Day was a day not only for physical rest, but for instruction and meditation.

"We respectfully suggest that the presbytery make representations to the CBC urging safeguarding of the Lord's Day." The resolution of the Parkdale congregation was referred to the committee on evangelism and social service, which later endorsed it, with the recommendation that it be forwarded to the Ottawa Council of Churches and to the executive of the United Church Board of Evangelism and Social Service at Toronto, with the request to each body that it be further endorsed. and submitted to the CBC. A rider was added that "failing action by these bodies, the Ottawa presbytery submit the resolution direct to the corporation." ASSAULT CHARGE AGAINST STUDENT Hawkesbury Police Chief Acts Following Razorslashing at College (Special to The Gazette.) Hawkesbury, May Despite repeated denials of St. Joseph College authorities that the wounding of Madore Fauteux, 12- year -old student, had followed quarrel with another student, Chief of Police Joseph Beaulne declared this afternoon that a charge of "assault causing grievous bodily had been laid against a 14- year-old fellow-student of the injured boy. Young Fauteux was badly slashed on the right arm with a rusty razor blade yesterday afternoon at the college.

It was reported from several sources following the mishap that the incident had occurred during an argument on the college campus. This was denied by school authorities, who claimed that Fauteux had been injured accidentally in class. According to Director Justinan, of the college, the younger boy was injured when a fellow student, who had been sharpening a pencil with the razor blade, made a dash for a blackboard wiper in his haste to aid in cleaning the board in the classroom. The thin blade pierced the sleeve of a sweater and a shirt worn by Fauteux and inflicting what was reported as a "serious wound." Notre The injured, boy, was taken to the Hospital for treatment. His condition was not regarded as serious.

Beyond saying that the assault charge had been instituted against Fauteux's alleged assailant, Chief Beaulne did not comment on the case. The boy had not been arrested and it could not be learned when he would appear on the charge, ACTION PROJECTED ON RIDEAU FLOODS Proposed That Federal and Provincial Governments Study Problem (Special to The Gazette.) Ottawa, May 10. Recurrence of floods in the Rideau River each spring were the subject of brief discussion afternoon by Board of Control. The Ontario Minister of Public Works promised to send an Ontario engineer to consult on the problem. A letter from Charles T.

Williams and Thomas Richards advised that a recent meeting of ratepayers of Ottawa and Gloucester Township had discussed the problem and decided to request the Federal and Ontario Governments, the council of Carleton County and the city to appoint representatives to examine the problem. The board decided to appoint Alderman George S. Sloan to act, in the event that such a consultation takes place. REPUBLICANS SCORE U.S. RELIEF PLANS Roosevelt Spending Programme Condemned But Democrats Not Worried Washington, May House of Representatives Republicans heaped bitter denunciations upon the Roosevelt spending programme today while United States Administration leaders, claiming "votes to spare," confidently awaited the outcome.

Led by Representative Taber New York), the ranking minority of the Appropriations Committee, the Republicans condemned the programme as "shameful waste" and a repetition of "mistakes" already made. "It is an opiate," said Taber, "it is designed to keep the fooled until after the next election." Representative Engel Michigan), whose prepared speech in the House was distributed to the press by the Republican National Committee. predicted "national disaster." Conditions "may improve for a time, perhaps for a few months." he said, "but the final result will be financial and economic disaster." Pending was a bill to appropriate $3,000,000,000 for work relief and public works projects, an integral part of the $4.500,000.000 lendingspending campaign against the depression recently recommended by President Roosevelt. Despite the vigorous nature of the Republican attack none of its leaders would venture a prediction that the appropriations would be rejected. To be victorious, as they were in defeating Reorganization Bill.

the Republicans had to attract to their the argument large numbers of Democrats. Democratic leaders asserted that wholesale Democratic desertions were lacking this time. For the Appropriations Committee, Representative Woodrum (Democrat. Virginia) began the debate with an assertion that "this programme is for the purpose of starting up again the wheels of industry." If business "cooperate." he said, there would "be no difficulty." The need of business, he said, was "not kind words, but customers." The programme would provide customers, he argued, by increasing purchasing power. MUNICIPAL CREDIT GOOD Coderre Cites Improvement at St.

Lawrence Kiwanis Municipal credit in the Province of Quebec, in spite of the financial difficulties created recently by unemployment, is now on a firmer foundation than for some time past, Louis Coderre, deputy Minister of Trade, Affairs Commerce and Municipal in the provincial Government, said yesterday in addressing the St. Lawrence Kiwanis Club in the Queen's Whereas municipaltiies had been permitted to operate in a haphazard manner financialy, recently their administration and accounting systems had been brought to a level of efficiency equal to All municipalities under the control that of other parts of the a world. of the Quebec Municipal Commission were required to. submit a complete account of their financial status, Mr. Coderre stated.

The speaker was introduced by Thomas Collins and thanked at the conclusion of his address by poleon Courtemanche, Mayor of Montreal East. NIAGARA BRIDGE BILL Measure Authorizing struction Passed in Commons Ottawa, May 10 (P) -The Ontario Government's bill to authorize construction of an international bridge at Niagara Falls passed the House of Commons tonight and was sent to the Senate. Although it had a stormy session in third committee stage, the bill passed reading tonight without discussion or a vote. The bill would establish a company to build the Canadian end of the bridge, similar legislation in New York state taking care of the have American end. The incorporators assigned their rights to the will Ontario Government and the bridge revert to the province when the bonds have been retired.

Ontario Conservatives attacked it the bill in its early stages, talking out night after night in private member's hour. SAILORS HEAR CONCERT Church of Redeemer Group Entertains at Institute The Church of the Redeemer Entertainers last night entertained a capacity audience of citizens and sailors at the weekly concert at the Sailors' Institute. The performance was entitled "Funtime" and was directed by J. E. Squire.

The players included the Misses O. Bond, O. Kershaw. I. St.

Aubin. M. Keith, T. Burling, R. Ince, M.

Harrop and R. Rowden: Messrs. J. Barnet Bakes. G.

Thompson, P. Kershaw, S. Barlow, S. 'Barlow, F. Weather Report St.

Paul 46, 64. FORECASTS: Ottawa and Upper St. Lawrence Val- Toronto, May 10. (P) The weather has been fair and cool over the greater part of Ontario, but showers hay occurred in Eastern Ontario, the Maritimes. It has been moderately warm in the West with light showers in Southern Saskatchewan.

Pressure, a continues moderate high over depression Hudson centred near the New England coast. Minimum and maximum temperatures: Dawson 30, 60; Aklavik 24, 44; Simpson 28, 66; Fort Smith 36, 68; Prince Rupert 40, 50; Victoria 46, 52; Vancouver 46, 56; Kamloops 50, 60; Prince George 42, 52; Jasper 28, 58; Edmonton 36, 62; Banff 26, 59; Calgary 28, 60; Lethbridge 30, 64; Medicine Hat 34, 64; Swift Current 42, 62; Battleford 28, 68; Prince Albert 34. 66; Saskatoon 38, Moose Jaw 38, 66; Regina 34, 70; Brandon 38. 63; Winnipeg 42. 62: Kenora 40, 59; Port Arthur 34, 50; Moosonee 30, 42; Cochrane 30, 44; Huntsville 40, 52; Parry Sound 42, 48; London 42, 52; Toronto 43, 51; Kingston 42, 54; Ottawa 36.

58; Quebec 44, 46; Saint John 42, 48; Halifax 42, 56; Charlottetown 40, 58; Chicago 44, 52; leys: Fresh northerly winds; partly cloudy and cool. Gulf: Fresh or strong northeast to north winds; cool with occasional rain or part snow, chiefly in south portion. North Shore: Moderate or fresh winds; partly cloudy and cool; probably light scattered showers or snowflurries. Bay Chaleur: Fresh northeast to north winds; cool with occasional rain or part snow. Lower St.

Lawrence Valley: Fresh or strong northerly winds; mostly cloudy and cool with scattered showers. Northwestern Quebec: Northerly winds; partly, cloudy and quite cool. Lake John: Northerly winds; partly cloudy and cool; probably light scattered showers or snowflurries. Lower Lake Region: Fresh north and northeast winds; mostly fair and cool. Georgian Bay: Fresh northeast winds; fair and cool.

Northern Ontario: Northerly winds; partly cloudy and quite cool. Superior: Moderate to fresh northeast and east winds; fair and cool. Kenora and Rainy River: Easterly winds; fair with moderate temperature. New Hampshire and Maine: Generally fair Wednesday and Thursday; not much change in temperature. Vermont: Generally fair Wednesday and Thursday; slightly warmer Thursday.

May 10, 1938. Abstract from meteorological records, McGill University, Montreal. Height above sea level, 187 feet. Barometer reduced to Wind- General Weather sea level. Ther Dir Vel.

Conditiona. 9p.m. 29.70 55 SW 14 11p.m. 29.67 53 SW 16 1a.m. 29.65 50 NW 14 3a.m.

29 64 49 NW 16 5a.m. 29.60 47 NW 17 7a m. 29.59 48 NW 18 Mostly fair 9a.m. 29.57 57 NW 16 and cooler 11a.m. 29.55 SW 14 1p.m.

29.53 60 13 3p.m. 29.53 60 SW 20 5p.m. 29.56 49 NW 12 7p.m 29.61 49 NW 15 62.5; 46.8; 90; sun, 7.3 hrs. rain, .14. Sun rises 4.24 a.m.; sun sets 7.12 p.m.

(Standard Time). Lee, R. Woods, K. Liddell and L. Furney.

The pianists were F. Swallow and J. E. Squire; the lighting was in charge of James Squire and Jack Mullins, and the stage work directed by Mrs. G.

Harrop and H. Harding. J. Ritchie Bell occupied the chair, and the performers were given three hearty cheers and a vote of thanks was proposed by M. McDunnough Duff, president of the Institute.

FIVE-CENT PIECE CURSE TO CHURCH View of Dean W. W. Craig Before Ontario Synod of Church of England Kingston, May of the Canadian five-cent piece "was a curse to the Church," Dean w. W. Craig told the opening session of the Ontario synod, Church of England in Canada, here today.

When a man "puts a nickel on the collection plate that represents himself." he said. Dean Delivering the report on missions, Craig said of 15,190 confirmed persons and 11,885 communicants in the diocese, there were 4,329 regular contributors to church missions. That meant there were less than 20 per cent. of church bers contributing to the mission fund, he said. Bishop J.

Lyons, of Ontario Diocese, said it pained him to see the church standing still and making no progress, for "we have the capacity to do more than we are doing." Rt. Rev. R. J. Renison, Bishop of Toronto, told the synod service in St.

George's Cathedral that it is more difficult now to be a Christion in non-Christian lands than it was 40 years ago. Discussing conditions in Germany, he said. "Once more we see the incarnation of Caesar." P. G. C.

Campbell, treasurer of diocese, reported that for "the fifth consecutive year, attention is drawn to the very unsatisfactory state of the episcopal fund: in addition to the large overdraft, the capital itself has been reduced in five years by $3,653." FLORISTS LIMITED FLORISTS St. Catherine of Guy PI. 2491 Greenhouse Shop WE. 2718 Mt. Royal Hotel PL.

4550 ESTABLISHED 1875 FLORISTS. IN -DECORATORS 1476 St. Catherine St. MONTREAL MArquette 9241 Antikor-Laurence BEST CORN REMEDY Nate, Sold Reliable, Permanent Everywhere. 256.

J. LAURENCE Ocean Mail Services (Hours indicated are DaylightSaving Time.) Wednesday, May 11, 3.10 p.m.; mail per Champlain from New York; registered mail Tuesday, 10.30 p.m. Wednesday, May 11, 6 a.m.; full mail for Great Britain and France per Montclare from Montreal. Wednesday, May 11, 6 p.m.; letters addressed via New York for Great Britain and continent per Champlain from New York. Wednesday, May 11, parcel mail and specially addressed letters and papers for British Honduras, Colombia and Jamaica and full mail for Bahamas and Bermuda per Lady Rodney from Montreal.

Thursday, May 12, 10.30 p.m.; mail per duch*ess of Richmand from Montreal; registered mail Thursday, 2.10 p.m. Thursday, May 12, 4 p.m.; parcel mail and specially addressed letters and papers for Germany per Beaverhill from Montreal. Thursday. May 12, noon; parcel mail and specially addressed letters and papers for Colombia and Jamaica per Harboe Jensen from St. John.

Friday, May 13, 6 a.m.; full mail for Great Britain and continent per duch*ess of Richmond from Montreal; supplementary mail Friday, 9 a.m.; air mail, Friday, 3.30 p.m. Friday, May 13, 6 a.m.; parcel mail and specially addressed letters and papers for France and Continent per Ausonia from Montreal. Friday, May 13, 4 p.m.; parcel mail for South Africa prepaid via York' per Robin Adair from New York. Friday, Letitia May 13, 10.30 p.m.; mail per from Montreal; registered mail Friday, 2.10 p.m. Saturday, May 14, 6 a.m.; full mail for Great Britain and Continent per Letitia from Montreal.

Saturday, May 14, 4 p.m.; full mail for Barbados. Venezuela British Guiana, Trinidad, per Chomedy from Hali-, fax Tuesday, May 17, 10.30 p.m.; mail per Lady Hawkins from Halifax. FROM OTTAWA. Wednesday, May 11, 3.10 p.m.; mall via Lady Rodney from Halifax; gistered mail. May 10.

10.30 p.m. RADIO ATTACKS ON U.K. POLICIES BARRED ON CBC (Continued from Page One) fence, the onus of proving his innocence rested on the accused. Mr. Lawson described as "deceptive" explanatory notes at the top of the bill saying it clarified the old Act and brought it up-todate by transferring to the Canada Shipping Act the sections dealing with shipping.

Mr. replied the explanatory notes clearly called attention to the provisions. As a matter of fact the first search under the Act was in 1933. and his wife "being frightenenembered a Royal Canadian Police officer and a radio inspector. The Transport Minister made one it change would in the empower bill.

the As introduced. to make regulations carrying automatic penalties of $50 or three months in jail. It was amended to take from the Government the blanket power of making regulations. Radio Tariff Hearing Soon Ottawa, May Minister Dunning informed the House of Commons tonight the Tariff Board shortly will open its hearing on the bearing of tariffs on conditions in the radio industry and the related problem of radio patents. W.

K. Esling Kootenay East), had asked the Government's attitude regarding radio patents, Because of patents, a radio in Canada in some cases cost from 50 to 100 per cent. more one of similar pattern in the United States. said Mr. Esling.

A holding company held a series of patents which manufacturers leased, and cost of the royalty was tacked on to Canadian radio purchases. Transport Minister Howe reminded him the matter had been referred to Tariff Board in February, but Mr. Esling asked whether the Government could not take action under the Combines Act. It was almost incredible that a Canadian citizen could not bring in a radio from any foreign country, despite payment of duty and licence, without having it confiscated. Cases of such actions had been placed on the House of Commons records.

There was, for instance, a concern in Winnipeg, another in Prince Rupert and one in his own district where men had refused to sign an undertaking to Radio Pat- GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY is a trust company exclusively. Its personnel is dedicated to a single purpose the Care and Management of the Possessions of its clients. New business is welcomed. GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY CITY OF MONTREAL DRAFTS OF BY-LAWS PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that drafts of by-laws (a) to amend by-law No. 260 concerning buildings in the City of Montreal, as amended by subsequent by -laws and (b) to amend by-law No.

1371 concerning the erection and occupancy of buildings in St. Michael Ward, as amended by By-laws Nos. 1425 and 1474, were submitted to the City Council on the 26th April, 1938. Interested parties, may, obtain from the undersigned information in connection with the above drafts of by-laws. J.

ETIENNE GAUTHIER. City Clerk. City Clerk's Office, City Hall, Montreal, 11th May, 1938. NOTICE APPLICATION has been made the CITY OF MONTREAL by Hutter, No. 6916 Querbes, for leave to install one steam boiler of 10 h.p.

on Cadastral lot 636, subdivision No. 130. St. John Ward. No.

0918 Querbes. Any opposition to this application must be filed within ten days, with J. ETIENNE GAUTHIER, City Clerk. Montreal, 11th May, 1938. ents Limited to bring in no more radios.

paid, he whether, "Radio duty, Patents No matter the was Limited still asserts its right to confiscate your radio and destroy it." Some people said the problem was due to tariffs, Finance Minister said, and others claimed it was because of patents. In each case the Government received denials and decided to refer the whole matter to Tariff Board. It did not take the Government long, however, to see an investigation would be of no value unless it combined with the tariff probe a an investigation of the operations of the Canadian patent laws with respect to radio. A great deal of controversy surrounded the whole and he was rather of Mr. Esling's view as to what the facts were.

Such contentions, however, were contradicted. BIRTHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES and DEATHS $1.50 Per Insertion Prepaid BIRTHS COPE-On May, 10th, 1938, at the Royal Victoria Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. F.

C. Cope, a daughter. ENGAGEMENTS PIKE-HAM The engagement is announced of Helen Elizabeth, only daughter of Mrs. Bertha E. Ham and the late Mr.

Albert H. Ham, of North Hatley, H. Nelson Pike, son of Mrs. Katherine Fudge and the late Mr. Alfred J.

Pike, of Newfoundland. The marriage will take place in June. DEATHS ATTREE -At her late residence, Springfield Park, St. Hubert, P.Q, on May 7th, 1938, Gertrude Attree, aged 55 years, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs.

Jesse Attree. Remains resting at J. F. Wilson's Funeral Home, 5784 Verdun Avenue, corner of Manning Avenue. Funeral service on Wednesday, May 11th, at 2 p.m., at St.

Clement's Church, thence to Mount Royal Cemetery. BINNING--At her late residence, 8 Thurlow Road, Hampstead, on May 10th, 1938, Margaret Caird, widow of John Russell Binning, aged 70 years. Funeral from the Chapel of Jos. C. Wray 1234 Mountain Street, at 2 p.m., on Thursday, to Mount Royal Cemetery.

BUCKINGHAM-At her residence, 3420 Bordeaux Street, on Monday, May 9th, 1938, Mary Ann Bryan, wife of the late George B. Buckingham, in her 92nd year. Remains resting at the William Wray Chapel, 2075 University Street. Funeral from St. Thomas' Church, Delorimier Avenue and Sherbrooke Street, on Wednesday, May 11th, at 2.30 p.m., to Mount Royal Cemetery.

Hamilton, papers please copy. GILLIES -On Tuesday, May 10th, 1938, Catherine (Cassie) Gillies, daughter of the late John Roy Gillies and Margaret MacDonald. Remains at Thos. Kane's Chapel, 1855 Dorchester Street West. Funeral service on Thursday, May 12th, at 9 a.m., in the Church of the Ascension of Our Lord, Westmount, thence to Cote des Neiges Cemetery.

HAMPTON-At his residence, 7034 Wiseman Avenue, on Monday, May 9th, 1938, Henry Hampton, beloved husband of Jenny Davies, in his 67th year. Funeral from the William Wray Chapel, 2075 University Street, on Wednesday, May 11th, at 3.30 p.m., to Mount Royal Cemetery. HASTINGS-On May 10th, 1938, at her daughter's residence, 4024 Beaconsfield Avenue, Henrietta Elizabeth Hill, widow of George Hastings. Funeral service at the Chapel of Tees St. Luke and Tower Streets, on Wednesday A evening, at 8.30 o'clock.

Interment at St. Ann's Cemetery, Richmond, P.Q. KAHALA-On Tuesday, May 10th, 1938, John James Kahala, beloved husband of the late Helena Gertrude Deegan. Funeral service on Thursday, May 12th, at 8.30 a.m., in St. Jean de Dieu Chapel, thence to Cote des Neiges Cemetery.

Former postal employee. LABELLE-At Hospice Auclair, on May 9th, 1938, Amelie Sicotte, widow of the late A. E. Labelle, aged 69 years, daughter of the late Judge and Mrs. L.

W. Sicotte. Remains resting at Hospice Auclair, 4220 Henri Julien Street. Funeral service at St. Jean Baptiste Church, on Thursday, May 12th, at 9 o'clock, thence to Cote des Neiges Cemetery.

LYNCH-At Swift Current, on May 9th, 1938, Agnes Boyd Lynch, youngest daughter of the late George Lynch Funeral from the Chapel of Jos. C. Wray Bro 1234 Mountain Street, at 1 p.m., on Friday, to Mount Royal Cemetery. LYNDON- -At the Montreal General Hospital, on Tuesday, May 10th, 1938, Robert Preston Lyndon, beloved husband of Muriel Cox, of 473 Osborne Avenue, Verdun, aged 42 years. Funeral on Friday, May 13th, at 2.30 p.m., from the Funeral Home of J.

W. MacGillivray, 3055 Wellington Street. Interment at Mount Royal Cemetery. McBRIDE- -At the Montreal Genera) Hospital, on May 9th, 1938, Marshall McBride, beloved husband of Sarah Pattison, of 209 Bernard Avenue West, aged 59 years. Funeral from the Chapel of Jos.

C. Wray 1234 Mountain Street, at 3 p.m., on Thursday, to Mount Royal Cemetery. 0'BRIEN-At her residence. 3569 Jeanne Mance Street, on Tuesday, May 10th. 1938, Amelia Ellen (Millie) O'Brien, daughter of the late Mr.

and Mrs. Philip O'Brien. Remains resting at the William Wray Chapel, 2075 University Street. Funeral (private) from St. Patrick's Church, on Thursday, May 12th, at 8 a.m., to Cote des Neiges Cemetery.

Los Angeles, papers please copy, SHELDON-Suddenly, at his late residence. 4792 Adam Street, on May 8th. 1938, Harry Sheldon, beloved husband of Charlotte E. Kaiser, aged 71 years. Funeral from the Chapel of Jos.

C. Wray 1234 Mountain Street, at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, to Mount Royal Cemetery. WILKINS-At the Montreal General Hospital, on May 9th, 1938. Frederick Fielding Wilkins, dearly beloved husband of Elizabeth White Preston, and second son of the late Dr.

George Wilkins, aged 61 years. Funeral from the Chapel of Jos. C. Wray Bro. 1234 Mountain Street, at 3 p.m., on Wednesday, to Mount Royal Cemetery, WILSON-At the Private Patients' Pavilion, Montreal General Hospital, on May beloved 10th, 1938, Priscilla Jones, dearly wife of George Wilson, of 1941 Bayle Street, aged 84 Funeral Bro.

from the Chapel of Jos. C. years. Wray 1234 Mountain Street, at p.m., on Wednesday, to Mount Royal Cemetery. The St.

George Lodge No. 440 E.R., A.F. A.M. The Brethren of, the above Lodge are requested to attend an emergent Rooms. communication to be held at the Lodge Royal Bank Chambers, corner Seigneur and Notre Dame Streets, on Wednesday, May 11th, at 1 p.m..

to attend the Funeral of our late Wor. Bro. H. Sheldon, O.R. Brethren of Sister Lodges are respectfully invited to attend.

E. W. MANTHORP, Regalia. Secretary. Zetland Lodge No.

12 A.F. 6 A.M., G.R.Q. Brethren of the above Lodge are hereby requested to attend the Funeral of our late Brother Henry Hampton, on Wednesday, May 11th, at 3,30 from the William Wray Chapel. 2075 University Street, Montreal. By Order of the W.M.

TOM PRESTON, P.M.. No Regalia. Secretary..

The Gazette from Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.