Wednesday was so hot, yet only 90F. Around dawn, though, I opened the door and stuck my hand and head out. It was not hot at all, almost balmy. But, when we left the house around 2 pm, the conditions had changed radically. It was very hot and humid.
We got the first ad (Pig)and found nothing after a cursory examination. At The Pig, I told Tommy to get bread because it is regularly cheaper than the bread at Publix. The Dromedary pimento in 2 ounce jars was not present, so I had him get two 4 oz jars. I will use half and put the jar in the freezer. We were charged 10% surcharge of $0.72 and discounted $0.38 for being over 60.
I had a list ready for Publix--milk, bananas, strawberries, coleslaw mix. Since the coleslaw was 2 for $4, I had buy 2. Strawberries were 3/$10. My bread was bogo, so cheaper than The Pig.
Altogether, we spent about $44. We most likely buy a bit more.
Dinner tonight for me was chicken with BBQ sauce, slaw, green beans. I will have a banana and strawberries later.
When Tommy came out of The Pig, he was saying what took so long. I did not notice he spent a long time. The store is remodeling. The center cross aisle is being eliminated. I hate that. Plus, more importantly was the fact it will now include an Ace Hardware Store.
When I lived in Cullman, I used Ace. Then, one day it was gone. Later, I tried calling to see where they were now located. I could find the address in the telephone book, but never quite located the building. I would call The Pig for different things. But, when I called Ace. I got The Pig and apologized and said I had dialed the wrong number. One day when I was in The Pig, I was startled to find a huge hardware section. On further examination, I found it was Ace. So, now I finally knew where was the Ace 'building.'
Tuesday night, I spent time looking at videos of how to make a pool noodle lollipop for my Christmas decorations. What I found was that I needed three pool noodles for each lollipop! I have three in three different colors. We had noticed this last week that there are no more pool noodles outside the three stores we pass. So, this is a problem. These were only $1, but there were ones costing $4. I wanted this to be a really cheap project.
Last Wednesday, the day before the 4th, I ordered a refill of Singulair. Saturday, I stopped by to get the prescription. I got three. When I arrived home, there was no Singulair. Amazingly, as soon as I ran out before the 4th, my congestion stopped. The pharmacist could find no history/pattern of this happening. Now, I wonder if my problems will start again when I actually get the prescription. Now, I need to consult my allergist. The pharmacist and I did discuss rebounds and such. It is a puzzle.
Tommy had for dinner--chicken, English peas, and slaw. I wondered but just now thought to ask.
Project Tomorrow
Tommy got the guy across the street to cut a Christmas wreath in two piece that was here, probably belonging to his boarder twenty years ago. I will wire the halves back to back to fit over the mailbox. I will take out the elements I don't like and put ones I do like into this saddle. Right now, my problem is the little shards of metal still clinging tightlyto the 1/4 inch wire. So, instead of trying to sand it off or use a rasp, I will cover it in tape of some kind. I want to be safe from this metal.
Tonight, I took several large things from the kitchen counter. With no light in the room, it is easy to let things stack up, cluttering the counter. Yes, tomorrow, I need to find an electrician who will actually come here.
We just finished a Nova documentary on China's Terra Cotta Army. I saw the exhibit at The Birmingham Museum of Art when it came to Birmingham. Now, I know more about it. While there, we went to the gift shop. I bought a letter opener with blue and white handle. That was lost in my house. I wonder if they still have those. Tomorrow, I can call.
Before that on Nova, we watched a documentary about the Amazon that revealed amazing facts never known until now.
School supplies are on sale now at Publix. I need to look at the ad and the ads from other stores.
If you have been in a Piggly Wiggly, have you seen an ACE Hardware store in there?
Did you see the Chinese Terra Cotta army? Where?