PAGE FIVES SAYEE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, State Road Is Certainty Says Attorney E. Mills BILL JUIIES DEPARTS 1 is in Fresh Killed Chickens Highest Grade Western Beef Home Made Bologna Frankfurters SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY of Fancy Earthenware Tea Pots In Gold and Silver Designs PRICES VERY REASONABLE GEO. L. ROBERTS IT YOU DON'T TRADE WITH US WE BOTH LOSE MONEY A. Traction company Is unable to finance its share of the street improvement.
This makes it necessary for the property owners and tho boroughs to do more than their share and then look to the street car company for compensation later. Sayre and the property, owners in Keystone avenue have completed all that It is necessary for them to do in order to obtain the state highway. But then it was found that Athens could not find a way to finance its part. J. V.
Rilchey, state highway engineer, said that either all or none of the work would be performed. This put Athens in a position df blocking Improvements in Sayre Of Course He had his "Afri-can Hambones" With Him LOWEST CASH PRICES "Most assuredly," replied Hon. Chas. E. Mills, Special attorney for the borough In the matter of street improvement, when he was asked this morning if Keystone avenue is to be improved by the state.
"Greater difficulties have been overcome in the past than the one that now presents itself," he said. Mr. Mills said there was no doubt about Athens being able to dal Its share towards improving the highway from the Lehigh tracks in Athens, through Sayre and South Waverly to the New York state line. Athens, can not afford to lose this opportunity to secure an improved street, largely at state expense, said the attorney. Difficulty after difficulty has been encountered but all except one have been overcome.
The difficulties were presented because of the fact that the S. RECORD SOUNDS BAD" Negro Left His Handgam's Noose, Razor and Blackjack Behind Watch For Our Saturday Window Display and South Waverly. 'But Athens is to do its share, according to Mr. Mills for some way out of the dfl'Bculty will be found. Athens will not let this golden opportunity pass, says that SPIKES IN SHOES Una-med, except fo- his "African hambones" Bill Jones, colored, who was arrested here early Monday morning on charge ot carrying tw-apons, was discharged by Jus tice lionfoey this morning.
When Bill Jones was arrested he had a black jack, -such as hold up men use ind he had a hangman's He is ABOARD LOG TRAIN LOCAL AND PERSONAL CHAIRMEN OF CIVIC D. CLAREY MEAT CO. Desmond St. Sayre, Penna, Men employed on one "run" on the LEAGUE COMMITTEES Lehigh Valley resemble baseball play ers. In the soles of their shoes are OUR pL? BREAD isa jv, body spikes similar to those worn on the dia mond.
The men who wear the spikes are not employees of the Lehigh, in spite of the fact that they run- trains on Miss Grace Waltman is visiting in Philadelphia. Marry X. White of Towanda was here today. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Davidson of Towanda visited here today. Miss Mabel Davidson of Ulster was here today. Perry Estelle, prothonotary of Bradford county, was here today. Foste G. Yost of Newark, formerly of Sayre, is visiting here.
L. L. VanDuyn of Ovid, formerly of Sayre, is visiting here. Mrs. John Wood of 'Candor, N.
is improving at the People's hospital. the Lehigh. They are employees of biacK as proverbial ace ot spades is it the ace of ciubs is never referred to as being black?) and of course, he carried 'a trusty razor But it was not the kind of a razor that the average negro would put much trust in if he was attending a ''cullud pahty." It had no long, dangerous looking Wade. It was one of tnoso handy sort o' razors you can taka tc pieces and thrust In your vest pocket, piovided you have a Vest. When Bill Jones was given his liberty this morning he left the razor, the black jack the Central Pennsylvania Lumber com The following, giving a iiat of the chairmen of Bradford County Civic League committees, has been received from Mrs.
Frederick W. Taylor, president of the league. A list of committees, wltiJ chairman of each, will be of interest to the club women of the county, especially to those who wish to assist in making the Civic League Booth at the county faira a live factor in making "Bradford county a better place to live in" which ts the slogan of the league which was formed several years ago. Following pany. The men run a log train from RicKetts to Monroeton where it is de livered to the S.
iN. Y. and hauled to the company's saw mill at Laquin. The train made its first trip the first and the hangman's noose behind. AS a body builder our bread can not be excelled.
It's real food. It's a pleasure to eat It. It's a pleasure to ask your guests to partake it. And say, do us a little favor, will you please? Tell them the name of this bread and they'll order it too. Thank you.
Misses Hazel and Dorothy Hulburt left Sunday morning for Pittston where of last week and at that time a Lehigh conductor and a Lehigh engineer acted as pilots. But Tuesday of this week the lumber company's engineer and regard to that noose, he said he used it as a belt but as he now had another conductor qualified and are now oper belt he no longer wanted that rope that suggested scaffold and black caps, is the list: Americanization, Mrs. I. P. Rendell, Towanda; Home for Children, Mrs.
F. H. Hagerman, Towanda; Juvenile Court, Mrs. L. M.
usborne, Towanda; Mother's Assistance Fund, Mrs. John W. Codding, Towanda; Home Economics, F. E. VanKeu-ren, Troy; Conservation of Trees.Mrs.
Chas. H. Derrah, Canton; Legislative, and trap doors and pale faced sheriffs. ating the train without the assistance of Lehigh employees. The logs are loaded on the train in pyramid shape and then chained fast.
In order to Chief Kasper wrote the police de partment at Oneonta, N. in regard to Bill Jones. This was done because walk across the top of the train the men wear spikes in their shoes. of a letter in the man's possession showed that he had relatives in that We Believe in the New Edison and we believe in you If you prefer not to pay cash for a New Edison at this time, tell us what terms would be convenient Tk NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" We believe in the ew Edison. No mere "Talking it is a beautiful instrument that Re-Creates the living voice And we believe in you for the sort of man or woman who appreciates the New Edison is the sort of man or woman the world believes in See the moderately priced Period Cabinets hear the New Edison at our store And tell us what is in your mind about terms.
I. A. SAMUELS, JEWELER, 138 Desmond Street SAYRE, PA. city. Yesterday afternoon the chief re they will spend a week.
Mrs. Day Broat of Wilkes-Barre is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Um-pleby. Mrs. J.
D. Brainerd left last night for a visit at Philadelphia, Collings-wood and (Newark, N. J. Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. H. Cole left Wednesday for Nichols for a week end visit with relatives and friends. Happy Hour tonight. Kitty Gordon, your favorite star in her late production.
See the beautiful gowns she wears in this feature. It M. J. Williams was in Sayre last evening while enroute to his home in Utica from a business trip to Williams-port. He formerly resided here.
M. and Mrs. Chas. E. Mills and Mr.
Inspection Trip ceived the following reply from F. Horton, assistant chief of police of Five officers of the Seneca division of the Lehigh made an inspection trip todayl They went from Sayre over the main line to -Geneva and returned over the Ithaca branch. The members of the WEST SAYRE Mrs. Chas. M.Culver, Towanda; School Health and Child Welfare, Mrs.
Chas. Davidson, Towanda; Schools, Mrs. Percy S. King, Troy; Child Labor, Mrs. C.
S. Lilley, Towanda; Birds, Miss Nan Towanda; Resolutions, Mrs. Fred Civic League Booth at County Fairs, Mrs. W. B.
Philleo, Mrs. James Muir, Towanda; Mrs. Richard Francke, Mrs. W. Utter, Athens; Mrs.
Herman Bolich, Mrs. J. A. Ruggls, Sayre; Mrs. M.
JIo-Glenn, Mrs C. B. Pomeroy, Troy. All the women of the county are Invited to visit the Civic League Booth party were W. W.
Abbott, superintendent; W. C. Barrett, division engineer: J. A. O'lloyle, trainmaster; Ira Kirtz, freight train agent and R.
E. James, supervisor of bridges and build ings. and Mrs. William Hoag returned last night front a motoring trip to Harris-burg, Gettysburg, Philadelphia and At CHAS. E.
MILLS 1 Lawyer Electric Building Oneonta: "Your friend, Bill Jones, has quite a record. As I understand it he, by his own confession here in the court room killed one colored man in the south, also did some cutting in the western part of New York state and served time for the second crime. Also he tried to cut a boy here last June. Did forty days for that. He Is a great fellow with the razor.
He served time under the name of George Johnson for assault. He is a hobo. Wasn't here very long and will very likely get into trouble if he comes this way again." S. K. Evans, policeman, spent some time last night trying to obtain confirmation of the statements in the letter but Bill Jones would not talk.
Thl morning Justice Bonfoey and Chief Kasper questioned the man. He would lantic City. Mrs. Charles Hill and nephew, Jack at the fairs where there will be many Mrs. Vern Andrews has Just return Webster of iNew York city arrived here Lockhart St.
Sayre, Pa. things of interest to them. Later com ed! 'from New- York city after purchasing fall millinery. yesterday afternoon for a visit lat th home of her brother-in-law, John Hill, South Wilbur avenue. Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Andrews of St. 'QUALITY ELECTRICAL Petersburg, Fla, are the guests of Mr. WORK" and Mrs.
Vern Andrews. mittees will 'be appointed to arrange for Nonpartisan political educational meeting's in different parts of the county. The fall meeting of the civic league will be held at Camp Nephawin, Canton, Sept.30, and automobiles will meet all trains in the forenoon and will carry those attending the meeting to the House Wiring, Motor Installation, Re 'Horace Rouse of Allentown, former ly of Sayre was at the outing given pair Work. F. H.
HUNTLEY by the Valley Shrine Association at LEE 30x3 1-2 FABRIC TIRE GUARANTEED 6000 MILES WAVERLY TIRE CO. Quarry Glen club yesterday afternoon. SAYRE, PA. PHONE 291-X afternoon and eveningr trains. Miss only acknowledge being arrested in On A number of the members of the Sayre Lodge of Elks went to Chocanut, Esther Hawes, executive secretary or the Y.
W. C. A. will make, the address READ THE ADVERTIsem*nTS Susuehanna county, today to attend an outing given by the Binghamton Elks. oi welcome, rresiaent ot tne woman Congress of Syracuse will be tne speak CHAS.
ANNABEL Attorney-at-Law Broad St. Waverly, N. Itev. G. C.
Skinner, district elder of eonta but said that was the first time he was ever in custody. "My trade am dat of a portah and waitah," explained the man. He said he was a waiter in Oneonta and became asquainted with a colored man who was a "bad pus-son." They were going through an alley when the other fellow suggested er tor the afternoon session. Corning district, will occupy the pulpit of the Free Methodist church, Saturday evening, August 24. I IV HFFCFD rAMDAMl Mr.
and Mrs. Fay Wealthy and daughter, Lueile of Rochester are visiting at the home of Leigh S. Huff, Riverside Drive. R. A.
SHARPING SHOES FOR EVERYONE SAYRE, PA. Miss Cassie H. Dubois, daughter of j. v. iilljlii luiYiraui THE STORE OF PROGRESS, SAYRE, PA.
The Coats The Suits Engagement Announced (Contributed) Tuesday evening Mr', and E. Coeyman gave a very piretty party In honor of Miss Dorothy Wardle of Philadelphia who is visiting their niece. After merry games refreshments were served In the dining room amid pink crepe paper decorations and soft pink lights combined with rose buds and water lilies. Here the surprise of the evening came when they announced the engagement of their niece, Anna F. Pierce, to Harold French of East Smithfield.
Congratu the late Ezekial Dubois an early settler and business man of Tioga sister of John E. Dubois of Dubois, is in the hospital here to receive treatment from the effects of an acci having a drink ana shooting crap. "I'ze doan drink and l'ze doan gamble," Jones says he replied. Then the fellow reached for his razor. As he pulled) It out Jones grabbed his wrist with one hand and then with his other hand he struck.
Down went the negro. Jones says he put his foot on the fellow's neck and then gave him a sound thumping. A policeman appeared while he was in action and he was arrested. After being told he could not have his weapons, Jones said, ze doan want dem, all I need to kear for mahself is my old African hambones" and he sKook his fists. After being told be was discharged, Jones bowed very I The Dresses dent when both of her arms were broken.
The C. D. S. club met at the home of lations and music followed. Miss Elizabeth Hawkins, 309 N.
Elmer avenue last evening. The next meeting will be held at the home of Miss May Fisher, Oneida street, September 3. CORRECT READY TO WEAR APPAREL For Ladies and Misses BEL SUIT CLOAK CO. Broad Street WAVERLY, N.Y. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Ev- eritt Ballentine, Misses Helen Bird, Those present were: Gertrude Stevens, Harriet Child, Laura Itiggs and Messrs. Mildred Litzelman, Leah Merrill, Ruth Edwin Blakeslee, Harold French and low an said "Thank ye, sir, you all see me no moan." Totten, Helen Brown, Elizabeth Haw-'George Eiggs. Miss Pierce who has kins. always been known here and is a grad- Among the residents of Sayre who uate of the Robert Packer hospital of were at the outing given yesterday af- Sayre, has recently returned from Florida where she has been nursing for the past six months.
ternoon at the Quarry Glen Club by the Valley Shrine Association were the following: H. L. Bollch, A. J. Bolich, I.
A. Samuels, W. L. Douglas, M. F.
Pierce, H. E. Allen, T. P. Maney, Jesse A Woman's Testimony Mrs.
Ettie Warren, a farmer's wife of Emmittsburg, openly declares how she has found health through reading a newspaper advertisem*nt of Lydia E. Pinkham's. Vegetable Compound. So great is her relief after fifteen years of suffering that she asks to have thi3 information published. Advt.
Installed in afewhours! No big expense for installing; this InTERiirnorML Ohepipe Heater Only one pipe and one register; simply cut one hole in the floor. No bother and expense for tearing up floors and walls. Get rid of your stoves and have one simple, scientific heater, in the cellar. Delivers plenty of clean, healthful heat through all the rooms, upstairs and down. Guaraifteed for 5 years and you can have it on a 60-day trial.
Let us explain this wonderful heater to you. GEO. F. MILLER Plumbing, Heating, Tinning SAYRE, PA. Amateur Night Frlrlav niirht.
Anirnst 22. will be RECORDS FOR AUGUST Edison, Diamond Disc and Columbia on sale now at Daniels, Lewis Armstrong, Grant Fol- amateur night at Keystone Park thea- lett ana tilery u. stone. ter and any one who can sing, dance, recite or entertain is invited to take a part in the entertainment. The regu- WYSOX IS TO HAVE COMMUNITY HOUSE 1 Iar play for lhe evcninS 'iH be a com- Zausmer's Jewelry Stores In Waverly and Athens New fall models coming in daily The season will soon be in full swing and the tide of fashions in Coats, Suits and Dresses is setting in -A? -Jf CLEVER IDEAS in designing are to be seen on all sides and in this popular fashion section we have something to show you that is exclusive with us.
IMPORTANT SHIPMENTS comprising some of the most attractive of moderately priced fashions which are among our buying engagements in New York have just arrived. THE COATS comprise every new material, style and color lor Women, Misses and Juniors, priced and up to $65.00. THE SUITS comprise a wonderful selection of styles in Silveitone, rmseltorie, Tricotine, Wool Vetaur and Poplins priced $25.00 up to $75.00. THE DRESSES comprise stunning models from leading New York, makers in Satins, Chaimeuse, Crepe Meteor, Tricolette, Tricotine and Serge piked $15.00 up to $59.93. f.
THE NEW FIATS are most smart. They are ical-ly worth seeing as quickly as possible. Velvets, Velours, etc, priced $4.93 and up to $9.98. THE NEW FALL SILKS are the finest we have ever sold. Chiffon De Chene, Chameuse, Nancitte and Satin Cierce.
The weaves are beautiful and every yatd of these silks is guaranteed for wear. euy urama, aiarrieu uy rroxy, in three acts, presented by the FriJd Dyers Stock company. Rhearsal for amateurs will be at '11 o'clock Friday Picnic at Lady Willard Rebekaf. Lodge No. 131 I.
O. O. F. will Mo'd a table picnio at Keystone Park Fri.l'.y August 42. Members are to take sandwiches and some other article of food.
Also own and silver. Members are re i tested to go prepared fn- dinner and surfer. All Rebekai'3 faTiires pre invited. 20. Wysox is to have a Community House.
It is expected the building will be ready for use early In November. Plans for the structure have made and bids have been requested. The Community iHcuse is to be eighty feet in length and forty feet in width and Is to be erected of concrete hlnrka on land donated for the purpose Notice U. B. of M.
of W. A full attendance of all members is requested as business of importance must be transacted at meeting, Satur- J.D.REESERC0. The Store of Progress SAYRE. PA. by Hon.
Louis I'iollet. On either side i day evening. U. of the entrance is to be a room, tf P'tfident. A.
L. Buia, Home Cooking I Restaurant 207 X. Lehigh ovenuo Why not let us serve that dinner 21 A3 for smoker3 and the other for a coat room. Then there will be a large audi-trium for dancing, gymnastic work and niitilic meetlnes. in fact for use in Executor's Notice Tnllnr.
tael.miinttirv nil fKo 1C 1 1 1 W. R. FULFORD GENERAL' INSURANCE Rial Estate, Loans and Investments Rooms 2 and 3 Elmer Bank Bids. SAYRE. PA.
party. Phone 533-Y. WE TRY TO PLEASE U. N'ewion, deceased, late of an rnnimnnitv activity. In the E.
wiil be the kitchen and another cloak Athens Borough, Pa Keeps the Cellar Cool Sends the heat all up into the rooms where it belongs. room. Mrs.Louis Piollet originated the.erantea tne undersignea.nouce is nere-plan of having a Community House by given that all persons Indebted to and has done much work with that said estate are requested to make im-end in view. The structure Is to be mediate payment, and all persons hav J. HI PRUYNE CHIROPRACTOR erected by popular subscription.
Notics Any dealer having a stock of men's shoes and wishing to close them out, write to "Buy," Evening Times. 19A3 ing Claims against must present them duly authenticated for settle- Office Hours. 7-. 106 S. Elmer Ave.
Federal Phen E7I-1 Sayre, Pa. nient M. B. Loomis, Executor. August 7th, in.
Try a Fanes Classified Ai.